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Twitter Feed Addon

This feature allows your clients to display their twitter feed within any of their listings. Highlights of the twitter feed addon:

  • displays the sellers twitter account feed within their listings
  • displays the feed within the listing details page only
  • displays the feed where you place this addons "placement tag" within the listing details template.
  • displays the site default twitter feed if the client does not insert their own twitter feed account when placing that listing.
  • this feature will only display a twitter feed within the listing details page. If you want to display your site's twitter feed anywhere else on the site you must get code directly from twitter.
  • can control the colors used within the twitter feed within your Geo admin tool
  • can control the number of tweets that can be displayed within your Geo admin tool
  • can control the width of the twitter display within your Geo admin tool
  • can control the height of the twitter display within your Geo admin tool
  • can set a light of dark theme or allow the client to choose the theme that displays within their listings.

Where do you manage the Twitter feed addon within the admin tool?

As this feature is in an addon to use this feature you must first install and enable the Twitter Feed addon within the admin tool here:


Once installed and enabled you manage the settings mentioned above for this feature here within the admin tool:


The following is a screenshot of that admin tool:

  1. is the configuration for the max number of tweets to display
  2. is the dimension you want those tweets to display within the listing detail page
  3. allows you to set themes and link colors
  4. these allow you to pull and set default settings from your default twitter feed code so that your default account can display there if the seller does not insert code

The "default href" and "default widget-data-id" allow you to display your default twitter feed if the seller does not insert theirs. When you create a twitter timeline code to display that feed in your site you would go to your twitter account details and get code like this:

<a class="twitter-timeline"  href=""  data-widget-id="123456789015987">Tweets by @someone</a>
<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){

within that code you'll see the "href" and "data-widget-id" values. You would pull those values and place them within your "default href" and "default data-widget-id" fields of your twitter feed addon admin tool.

Display of the Twitter timeline within the listing details page template

This feature will ONLY work in the listing detail template. By default those pages use the following details templates:


and by default the following tag is within those templates to display the twitter timeline:

{addon author='geo_addons' addon='twitter_feed' tag='show_feed'}

So start using this addon and check your listing. You will only see something if you have inserted the default account value for your twitter account so set that first. Once you get something to display you can then return to the above admin tool and change the look. Your twitter feed will display if the client does not insert their twitter account details when placing that listing. The seller will have a chance to set their twitter feed account number within the place a listing process. It will be one of the options on the "listing extras" section/page of that process.

If you want this feature to display somewhere else on your site you'll need to simply insert the twitter feed code you got from your twitter account and place it manually within your design where you wanted that to appear.

I only want to display my own Twitter Feed and not my customers. How?

There is no configuration within the software to only display your own Twitter feed and NOT the customers…using this addon. If that's all you wish to do then it would be best for you to place an embeddable feed directly into the client-side design where you want that feed to appear and bypass this addon altogether. To do that just go to the following to start that process:

startup_tutorial_and_checklist/feature_configuration/addons/client_twitter_feed.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/20 20:40 by geojames