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2) Field Configuration

This can be the hardest feature of the software to configure simple because there are so many different options to setting up fields. This feature allows you to setup all the individual fields that will hold information for the auctions and classifieds placed in your site.

There are few basic field types in the software:

  • standard informational fields like the title, description, address, phone, region, url link, payment choices seller accepts and business type. These fields are fixed purpose fields within the software in that they have a fixed purpose and have limited range as to what can be put in them. So as they are labeled now is just about the only way you will be able to use them. A couple of these fields have other features attached to them limiting their scope of use even further.
  • site wide optional fields of which there are 20. These fields are very flexible and can be labeled to anything you like and configured in several different ways. These fields can be used in all, some or none of the categories.
  • category specific questions which are attached to a specific category and only appear when that category is chosen. While these are limited to the category structure you can have as many of these fields as you want. Don't let that go to your head. You don't want to drown your users in fields like you don't want to drown them in categories.
  • Multi-level fields allow you to make selections in one group of choices determine the next group of choices. The most common use of this field is the automobile make-model-trim example. The choice of make determines the choices of the models underneath them and so forth. Another good thing is you can have as many of these are you want.

Where are fields managed in the admin tool?

The standard, site wide optional and multi-level fields are managed site wide in the following admin tool:


The admin tool for the standard fields in the above admin tool page is shown in the following screenshot:

Within the above you can control many aspects of those fields. Below is the screenshot of the same admin tool page except site wide optional fields:

Below is a screenshot of the multi-level field control in the LISTING SETUP > FIELDS TO USE admin tool page. This controls the use/not use of a field. You would look to separate admin tools to control the options and levels in a multi-level field:

startup_tutorial_and_checklist/feature_configuration/field_configuration/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)