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Title Field

The title field can appear in more places of the software than any other field. This page will explain many of the features that can affect the title field itself as well as control where it can appear.

Highlights of the title field:

  • control the max number of characters allowed in the field
  • control the display of the title field within category browsing, search results, module display,..etc
  • the title can be derived automatically from specific site wide optional fields that you configure….like make, model, year,…etc
  • individual control of title characters displayed within specific features.
  • individual placement control through placement tag within the listing details template
  • can appear in the listing details page url if the SEO addon is installed
  • appears in the html title field for all listing details pages where the title module is used to populate the html title tag

Where do you manage title field settings?

You control the use and display on the title field site wide within many features using the following admin tool:


shown in the following screenshot:

Within that screenshot you'll see:

  1. enable/disable that field for use
  2. require the field or not. We suggest requiring in almost all instances as that title can appear in many places within the software.
  3. check whether that title field is editable after the listing placement process is completed.
  4. the max number of characters that will be accepted into the title field
  5. these are the tabs you would click to control the display of the title field within specific features (like category browsing, search results..etc)

The same controls you see above for site wide configuration can be done also on a category by category basis.

Automatic Titles from Site Wide Optional Fields

You can also have the title derived from answers within site wide optional fields if you like. This is the automatic classified auction titles featured explained more here

Character Set Specific Issues

There are times that the title can appear mangled when using double-byte character languages like Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic,…etc. What happens is that you may set the max character count for the title field to be 50 characters. The problem is that if you were using single byte characters (traditional western characters) you would see no issues. But with double-byte characters one character in a double-byte can count as two characters fulfilling the character count. So no as sometimes happens the double byte character count can mess with the character count and many more characters of the field be cutoff than expected. And this "character count cutoff" can happen in the "middle of a double byte character". When this happens the last character is mangled and unrecognizable. To compensate for this if you are using double-byte characters on your site expect to "double the normal character limit" for fields where you set limits. By this we mean that you may display a max of 50 characters for the title field on the client side but set the admin tool to allow 100. This allows for wiggle room if there is a discrepancy in the double-byte to character count issues so no title is mangled or cutoff before expected.

startup_tutorial_and_checklist/feature_configuration/field_configuration/standard_fields/title_field.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/12 21:12 by geojames