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Additional Regions [s]

Added in Version 7.1.0

To see this plan item, first in the admin at Listing Setup > General Settings, the setting Allow Additional Regions in Listings must be set to yes.

<tip c n>Note that by additional region we mean the entire region, down as deep as the seller wants to use. If a seller wants to add a region for USA > Texas > Dallas for instance, that counts as one additional region1). And if they want to also add USA > Texas > Fort Worth, that counts as one more additional region. In other words, each "lowest level" region the seller wishes to add counts as an additional region.

Also note that additional regions cannot stop at the parent region for one of the other regions on the listing. For instance, if a listing has the region set to USA > Texas > Dallas, the seller cannot add USA > Texas as an additional region. This is because the region USA > Texas is already part of the region attached. There are 2 reasons for this: First, there would be no benefit at all since by having USA > Texas > Dallas as one of the regions, the listing is already going to show for searches on just USA > Texas. Secondly, because it simply would not be able to save the value in the database due to the optimized way that regions are saved for each listing. </tip>

You will see 3 settings as described below:

Max # Additional Regions

This is the maximum number of additional regions allowed for any particular listing. This is in addition to the primary region set for the listing. So for instance, if you set the Max # Additional Regions to 3, then a listing will be able to have 4 regions set for it: 1 primary region and 3 additional regions.

Set this value to 0 to disable adding additional regions for this price plan.

# Free Additional Regions

Set this to the number of additional regions you wish to offer for free. If you set this value to 2, then the seller will be able to have 3 total free regions that will not add to the cost of the listing (1 primary and 2 additional free regions). Note that this cannot be set higher than the Max # Additional Regions.

Cost per Additional Region

This is the cost for each additional region the seller wishes to add, going over the number of free additional regions set. To demonstrate how these settings might work together, say that you have the settings set to:

Example Settings:

  • max: 5
  • free: 2
  • cost: $1

Now if a seller adds 5 additional regions, the max number allowed, then 2 of them will be free, and the remaining 3 will cost $1 each, costing the seller a total of $3 extra to add 5 additional regions.

NOT 3 additional regions
admin_menu/pricing/price_plans_home/plan_items/additional_regions/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)