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Subscription Periods

Note that subscription based price plans are not available in all editions of the software. This feature will only appear to those editions that have the subscription based price plan feature.

The subscription periods link will only appear on the price plan edit page if the current price plan is a subscription based price plan.

The admin creates and deletes subscription lengths used by clients of this price plan when purchasing a subscription to the site. The subscrpition periods the admin creates here will display in the place a listing process to all users belonging to this price plan if they do not currently have a subscription. These subscription choices will also display to the client of this price plan if they are renewing their subscription.

The admin can have as many subscription periods as they wish here.

The "Length of Period" field is the actual value the client sees when choosing between the subscription periods available.

The "Length in Days" field will contain the actual number of days the subscription will be once purchased.

You can add or delete subscription periods using this admin tool. You cannot edit.

To add a new subscription period click the "Add New Subscription Period Choice" link at the bottom of this admin tool page.

If a subscription is purchased during the place a listing process the subscription will start at the point the payment is approved by the admin or payment verification is received from the payment gateway.

If a subscription is purchased during the subscription renewal process the subscription period purchased will be added to the end of the current subscription if there is one or when the admin approves the transaction or payment verification is received from the payment gateway.

<tip c w>Note that the client must return to the site to renew/extend their subscription if you are not or do not use the recurring billing feature.</tip>

admin_menu/pricing/price_plans_home/edit_price_plan/subscription_periods/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)