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Edit Price Plan [S]

Name and Description

This allows you to edit the price plan's name (as displayed in the admin panel), what the price plan applies to (either classified or auctions), and the Plan Description (only viewed in the admin panel).

Expiration of Plan

This page allows you to specify when and how the price plan expires for a user, if at all.

Expire By: Fixed Date

This option allows you to designate a specific date for the Price Plan to expire. For instance, you may be running a special promotion pricing until a certain date. If you choose this option, you must specify a new price plan (on the right) that will automatically be applied when this one expires. Available price plans will be displayed in a dropdown box to the right. This setting affects all users that currently fall under the price plan, regardless of which user group they are in.

Expire By: Time Period from Registration Date

This option allows you to expire the price plan a fixed number of days from the date that the user registers. The user may take advantage of the price plan's fees during that period. period of time from the date of registration. If you choose this option, you must specify a new price plan that will automatically be applied when this one expires. Available price plans will be displayed in a dropdown box to the right. This setting affects all users that currently fall under the price plan, regardless of which user group they are in. This means that users will be moved from this price plan to the new one at different times because they registered at different times. Using this option may leave various users within the same group on different price plans. Changing the date in this option will not affect the current expirations already set for users currently in this price plan. This will only affect future users joining this price plan.

Never Expire

This is the default option for a new price plan. This option allows you to run this price plan indefinitely. If you have previously set an expiration for this price plan and you are now changing it to Never Expire all expirations currently associated with this price plan will be removed. This will apply regardless of which expiration choice was previously set. In other words, all Fixed Date expirations and Time Period from Registration Date expirations will be removed from the system. However, this will not affect those users who were previously on this price plan and have since expired into another price plan.

Cost Specifics

See: Cost Specifics [S]

For Plan Items at the end of the page, see Plan Items [S].

Category Specific Costs

admin_menu/pricing/price_plans_home/edit_price_plan/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)