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Expiration of Plan

Any price plan can be set to expire into another price plan if you wish. This will only affect users attached to this particular price plan. The price plan doesn't go away and is not deleted from the system. This feature can be used for both subscription or fee based price plans.

For Subscription based price plans this feature does not expire current subscriptions. If a client has a current subscription that subscription will still be within the system except that the pricing the client now sees comes from the new subscription based price plan. Any subscription renewals after the expiration will be under the new subscription based price plan.

<tip c n>Do not confuse this setting with subscription expiration. Many admins have confused setting subscription periods with the expiration of the price plan itself. If a subscription expires within a price plan the client can repurchase subscriptions from among the subscription choices created within the subscription based price plans subscription periods admin tool.</tip>

Expire by Fixed Date

This specific feature allows you to expire a price plan on a fixed date. This price plan will expire into the price plan chosen at the date specified. This will happen to all current users in that price plan irrespective of when they registered. They will automatically be placed in the new price plan and all future listing placements will be under the new price plan.

After the expiry date has arrived the current users for that price plan are moved to the chosen price plan. For a brief moment there will be no users in this price plan until another registers into a user group with this price plan as default. None of the users that register into this price plan after the expiry date will be affected by the expiration of the price plan. They will remain in this price plan until the admin moves them or a new expiration is set in the future. This does not remove this price plan from default price plan status if it happens to be the default price plan for a user group. New users that register into a user group with this price plan as default will still "use" this price plan. If this is not intended make sure to change the default price plan for the affected user group(s) to completely remove the use of this price plan.

This feature would allow the admin to create a specific price plan for a fixed amount of time. This could be an introductory pricing period for all users of this user group that is used until the date specified. When the time is up all users within this price plan will automatically use the new price plan.

Expire by Time Period from Registration Date

This allows users of the price plan to use this price plan until the specified time

This setting will only affect users that register into this price plan AFTER the admin change to "expire by time period from registration date" has been made. Any users registered before the price plan has been set to expire by this method will not be affected by this change. They will stay in this price plan with no affect from this configuration. This configuration can only affect users registered after this configuration is made. At the time of registration the price plan in checked for price plan expiration after a fixed amount of time from registration. If one is set then the expiration is set within the system for the new registrant. There is no other time this setting is checked for affect by the system.

This feature allows you as the admin to give your new clients access to a price plan for a fixed amount of time after their registration. Some may call this an introductory pricing structure to entice new registrations.

Never Expire

This is the default state for all price plans. Using this setting the price plan will never expire and users within this price plan will never change outside of intervention specifically by the admin.

<tip c n>Note that each listing is attached to the price plan that was used when the listing was placed. If a user placed a listing under the "expired" price plan and tried to renew that listing they would get the renewal pricing for the expired price plan that listing was placed under. If you wish to override this feature and have all renewals happen under the current default price plan the user is attached to look for the setting to do in the Beta tools section of the admin tool. The beta tools section only appears within Enterprise editions</tip>

admin_menu/pricing/price_plans_home/edit_price_plan/expiration_of_plan/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)