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Attached Price Plans

This feature allows you give your clients a choice of fee base price plans at listing placements.

Highlights of the attached price plans feature:

  • Only works with fee base price plans
  • The price plan choices appear at the front of the place a listing process
  • if additional price plans are attached the default price plan will be ignored.
  • If you still want the default price plan for that user group to be a choice it must be set as a choice within the attached price plans admin tool.
  • The names for price plans you set within the additional price plan attachment admin tool appear in the "attached price plan feature". The price plan names you set for each price plan in the price plan admin tool do not appear on the client side
  • The price plan chosen will determine all prices for that individual listing being placed.
  • Each listing can have it's own price plan choice even within the same shopping cart.
  • The attached price plan will affect that listing it's chosen for throughout that listings life (renewals included)

Where in the admin tool do you administer this feature?

You control the attachment of price plans and additional price plans within the same admin tool page:

USERS/USER GROUPS > USER GROUPS HOME > EDIT (next to the user group to affect)

And within that admin tool page you would see the following admin tool:

Once you click the edit button to attach additional price plans you'll see the following:

Within that screenshot you'll see:

  1. A dropdown of price plans you can attach to a price plan choice. Note that the default price plan already attached to the edited user group is within that dropdown. The attached price plan choices will trump the default price plan so if you want the default attached price plan as a choice to attach within this feature you'll need to add it as a choice.
  2. The name of the price plan choice as it will appear in the place a listing process.
  3. The description that will display below the name to better describe that choice to your clients
  4. Once the first 3 fields are filled to you satisfaction click to attach the price plan.

Once you've attached a few choices you should have something like:

and once setup your clients will see the following choices on the client side when they choose to place a listing:

Remove Attached Price Plan Choices

You would go to the admin tool above and click the "delete" button as shown below:

And to remove that option from displaying to clients delete all choices you have attached. If you do that then the default price plans for that user group will be the sole effect on pricing for users in that user group.

startup_tutorial_and_checklist/feature_configuration/user_groups/attached_price_plans.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/30 22:28 by geojames