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Newest Listings Link Module

This module places a link to the newest listings browsing feature where ever you place these links within a template. There are four different links that by default display differing time frames to pull listings from. The module tags to place this functionality are:

{module tag='newest_ads_link'} - displays listings placed in the last 24 hours
{module tag='newest_ads_link_1'} - displays listings placed in the last week
{module tag='newest_ads_link_2'} - displays listings placed in the last 2 weeks
{module tag='newest_ads_link_3'} - displays listings placed in the last 3 weeks

Each of these modules have text you can configure within the button that appears. The css "button" is used to style these tags by default.

These tags simply place the corresponding anchor tag, text and url within the design. You can simply place these links yourself without the need of the tags above to get the same effect.

<a href="index.php?a=11&amp;b=0&amp;c=65&amp;d=4" class="button">last 24 hours</a>
<a href="index.php?a=11&amp;b=0&amp;c=65&amp;d=1" class="button">last week</a>
<a href="index.php?a=11&amp;b=0&amp;c=65&amp;d=3" class="button">last 3 weeks</a>
<a href="index.php?a=11&amp;b=0&amp;c=65&amp;d=2" class="button">last 2 weeks</a>

The "class=button" only styles the link and you can remove or replace with styling you wish.

So you can bypass placing the tag if you wish.

You have the ability to override the in built length options within these modules if you wish. You only need to pass an additional variable within the module tag to override the default like so:

{module tag='newest_ads_link' days_to_display='30'} - displays listings placed in the last 30 days
{module tag='newest_ads_link_1' days_to_display='10'} - displays listings placed in the last 10 days
{module tag='newest_ads_link_2' days_to_display='60'} - displays listings placed in the last 60 days
{module tag='newest_ads_link_3' days_to_display='90'} - displays listings placed in the last 90 days

Additionally, if you are creating your own links directly you can pass the same variable as so:

<a href="index.php?a=11&amp;b=0&amp;c=65&amp;d=4&amp;days=30" class="button">last 30 days</a>
<a href="index.php?a=11&amp;b=0&amp;c=65&amp;d=1&amp;days=10" class="button">last 10 days</a>
<a href="index.php?a=11&amp;b=0&amp;c=65&amp;d=3&amp;days=60" class="button">last 60 days</a>
<a href="index.php?a=11&amp;b=0&amp;c=65&amp;d=2&amp;days=90" class="button">last 90 days</a>
startup_tutorial_and_checklist/feature_configuration/module_configuration/newest_listings_link_display.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/17 23:07 by geojames