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Region Levels

This admin tool allows you to control the following aspects of regions within your site:

  • You control featured levels and how they appear within the software where they appear
  • You can have as many region levels as you wish
  • You control the labels for each region level within the software. The two region levels that appear in the software by default are "country" and "state or province"
  • You control whether each level is labeled.
  • You control whether to display each level before it's selected
  • You control what fields a specific region level will "auto fill" from the standard fields. Of the two region levels included by default region level 1 overrides the country field and region level 2 overrides the state/province field.
  • Levels will automatically be created on this page as needed to support Regions that are added (that is: in order to make Level 3 appear on this page, attach an actual sub-region to an existing Level 2 Region.

Where do you manage region levels?

Look within the following admin tool:


You'll see an admin tool like the following screenshot:

Within that screenshot you'll see:

  1. The internal region level
  2. A sample region from that level
  3. The region type of this level. There are four choices here. Your choice here determines if that region choice will override one of the "standard region fields" within the software or not. More on region type below.
  4. This determines if a region level dropdown will show at all times or not. More on this below.
  5. This determines if this level will be labeled when they appear for selection. More on labels below.
  6. This is the label that will appear for that region level if you choose to display it.
  7. This determines if the regions will build left to right (unchecked) or will build top to bottom ( or one over the other) (checked) where they appear for selection.

Region Type

Each level has a Type, which is one of: Country, State/Province, City, Other. The first 3 choices will override a specific standard field of that same name within both the listing field and registration fields.

In most cases, Country and State/Province should be the top two levels, as they directly correspond to billing and mapping address data.

If a level has the City type, it will override the separate, freeform City field (see the Fields to Use page). This means you can allow users to type in a City manually (using the freeform field; i.e. not using a City Level) or allow them to pick from a pre-defined list of City regions. Note we do not include any regions below level 2 except for the United States. We include state subregions for the US. We do actually have US census data for cities. Look to another page in this same section of the support wiki for how to get and import. If you wish to add level 3 and below you'll need to insert them from sources of your choice.

The Other level type is typically used for Levels that do not fit into the other three standard fields used for addressing and has no special functionality of its own.

Always Show

With this option turned off, Region selectors throughout the software will hide a given Level until it becomes available for use (typically, when a selection is made for the level above it). By turning this option on, the relevant selector will always appear, even when it is not yet available. So within the default configuration the "state/province" dropdown would not appear until you had selected a country level choice when "state/province always show" was unchecked.


Checking this option causes the appropriate label (specified by the text boxes you see) to appear next to Region selectors throughout the software when ever a region appears.

startup_tutorial_and_checklist/feature_configuration/geographic_regions/region_levels.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/07 13:53 by geodesicjames