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Mapping Field

This field is used by any mapping feature within the software. The current options are:

  • Google Maps display within the listing details page
  • Mapping links available within the listing details page linking to

If you anticipate using any of the above features you will need to enable the mapping field within your field configuration. Look to the following screenshot as to where that can be found in the fields to use admin tool:

The above shows the site wide fields to use admin tool. Just like other standard fields this can be configured on a category basis to if you have category specific field configurations make the same configurations there.

Once that is configured you'll see the following appear in the listing collection details section/page of the listing placement process:

Note that this field is pre-filled with the same address data that is placed into the address fields when the listing collection page/section is first encountered. That address data is pulled from the seller's registration data when first entering the place a listing process. The client can change that address to reflect any address they wish for that specific listing within the listing placement process though.

The software populates their listing's mapping address field like so from the seller's registration data:

seller_address_line_1 seller_city seller_state seller_zip seller_country

But of course the seller can change these to reflect that listing's address or empty if they wish to. Note if you require the mapping address field they will need to put something within that field.

Options Using Mapping Data Within Listing Details Display

After collecting the location data in the mapping field you have multiple choices on displaying that data:

Google Maps - This an addon in the software where the actual map showing that location will display within the listing details page. To make sure that happens you will need to setup the Google Maps API key through your developer account from Google as shown here in the support wiki. Finish other Google maps setup steps for that addon in the Geo admin tool. Then place the following placement tag within your listing details templates to make sure that displays:

{addon author='geo_addons' addon='google_maps' tag='listing_map'}

Link to display Google Maps - This will display a link within the listing details page that will link to Google Maps website and display the map to that mapping location. If you want to use this option place the following placement tag within the listing details templates:

{listing tag='mapping_link'}

Link to Mapquest Website - This will display a link within the listing details page that will link to Mapquest Maps website and display the map to that mapping location. If you want to use this option place the following placement tag within the listing details templates:

{listing tag='mapping_link_alternate'}

Display Mapping Location Data - Placing the following placement tag within the listing details templates will simply make the map data as inserted/shown within place a listing proccess display directly in the listing details page where that tag is placed:

{listing field='mapping_location'}
startup_tutorial_and_checklist/feature_configuration/field_configuration/standard_fields/mapping_field.txt · Last modified: 2016/11/14 17:32 by geojames