

My Template Changes Don't Seem to Show on the Client Side. Why?

There could be an error in that template. If there is an error within the template you have just saved there will be an error when that template is compiled for client side use. For a template to be used on the client side the Smarty template system pre-compiles that template to help page load times. If at that time that template has any errors within it and there is a current pre-compiled template already in use that will stop that new template from being compiled. The system overwrites the old pre-compiled template with the new one if there are no errors. If the new template has errors it can't be pre-compiled and can't overwrite the old template. Thus the old template stays "in view" on the client side making it look like your changes haven't had an effect. Your changes are still in that template within the admin tool if you look though. Look through your template to see if you can find and fix that error. If the error eludes you there is another way to force use of that template and have the system discover the error for you.

The next step is where a test installation of the software to test these issues on before going live would help. You could force the change there and throw the error on the client side but only you would see the issue. But if you don't have that testing installation you can still force the error to display in your only installation. But if your site is live you may want to turn it off while you work this issue out. You should still be able to view it as the admin.

  1. First step is to ftp into your site and empty the contents of the /templates_c directory. This removes all current pre-compiled templates from the system. Do not remove the /templates_c directory. Just remove the contents of that directory.
  2. Next save those changes to that template again in the admin tool.
  3. At this point since there is no template already there the system creates one from whatever template it can even if errors are within it.
  4. Go to a page on the client side that uses that problem template
  5. When you see that page you should instead see an "oops template error" message at top of the page.
  6. When the software finds an error while trying to compile a template it automatically sends an email to the admin's email account. Look for that error email. That email is sent to the email set within the EMAIL SETUP > GENERAL EMAIL SETTINGS > "Admin Communication Reply-to Address" configuration. This template error support wiki article will explain that email in great detail
startup_tutorial_and_checklist/design_configuration/design_tools/design_manager/template_changes_have_no_effect.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/19 10:47 by geojames