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Wizard Installation Instructions

WORK IN PROGRESS – Do not follow these instructions, we're in the middle of modifying them so they will not be accurate!

These are the installation instructions for those that wish to install the software using the wizard.

We recommend using this installation method over the alternate Zip package installation.

This method uses an executable wizard that you run from your home computer. Note that the wizard file (which will end in .exe) is meant to be executed "locally", you do not upload the entire file to your site.

Basically, you download and run the executable wizard, and it will do a lot of the steps for you, like uploading all the files to your site for you, and make it a little easier to set the database settings during the wizard process.

Another way to look at what the Wizard installation does, if you look at the Zip instructions, using the wizard combines steps 3-5 into 1 in an easy to use Wizard.

  1. Create new MySQL database on your server. <
  2. Download and un-zip the fresh install zip package from the Client area. <
  3. Edit the config.php file located wherever you unzipped the software to, and change the database settings. Use the settings for the database you created in step 1. <
  4. FTP all the files to your server where you want them to be installed. When uploading the files, use BINARY MODE for the following 2 files or they will be corrupted:
    • classes/php5_classes/products.zend.php <
    • classes/php5_classes/DataAccess.class.zend.php <

If in doubt, you can upload all the files in BINARY MODE if you wish. <

  1. Run the web-based installation script located at setup/index.php using your favorite Internet browser. For example, if your site was, you would run in your browser. It will guide you through all the steps. <
  2. Once you have completed the setup script, follow the link on the last page to the admin panel and log into the admin for the first time. The admin user/pass will be set to the default of "admin", and "geodesic", respectfully. <
  3. When you log in for the first time, you will need to enter your license key. <
  4. The software should now be installed. Enjoy! <
installation/wizard/start.1236109241.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)