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Off Site (Youtube) Videos [S]

These settings shown in the screenshot below, are the setting for Off Site youtube videos.

Each setting is described below.

Minimum # Videos Required

This is the minimum number of videos required for each listing. The default value is 0. This setting allows you to require a minimum number of videos in each listing, without the minimum number the listing will not be allowed to be placed.

Maximum # Videos Allowed

This is the maximum number of videos that are allowed in each listing. Set this value to 0 if you do not wish to allow any Youtube videos to be added to listings.

# Free Videos

This setting is Enterprise only. If you charge for each video, this setting allows you to give a certain number of free videos included with each listing.

Cost per video

This is the that each video will add to the listing placement cost. If a video slot is not used, there will be no charge for that video slot.

How to Show Videos on Listing Details

If your site is using templates from version 5.2.0 or higher, you should already have the necessary tags in your templates to display the Youtube videos. If you have updated from a previous version however, you may need to add the Youtube video tags to your templates in order to display any Youtube videos that are attached to listings.

Use the code snippet below in your classifieds and/or auctions details templates1), placed where you want the videos to be displayed:

{if $offsite_videos_block}
	<div class="content_box" id="listing_offsite_videos">
		<h1 class="title">{$offsite_videos_title}</h1>
	<div class="clr"><br /></div>
In the default templates, that will be listing_classified.tpl and listing_auction.tpl template files.
admin_menu/pricing/price_plans_home/plan_items/off_site_youtube_videos/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)