If you ever see this when you go to your Geo installation the Geo software cannot connect to the database currently setup within the config.php. If you haven't configured the config.php to connect to a database this isn't a problem. Set up the config.php file with the information needed to connect to the database you created for the software to use and this message will disappear.
If you are trying to update your site to the latest version and see this error check that you haven't overwritten your config.php file. If you download the "update" current version and use that to update your site you should be good as this download version does NOT have a config.php file that could overwrite your current one. But if you dowloaded the "install" version of the latest version this DOES have a config.php file that will overwrite your current config.php file. If you have done this there are two options. You can update the config.php file you have on your site now with the correct information to connect to your database or you can upload your backed up config.php over the one you currently have on the site.
If you have setup your site and it is in use this error means that either the connection your server has to the database is down (if the MySQL server your site uses is actually on another server) or the database itself is down. Either way there is a problem in the hosting environment and contact your host with concerns about the issue. Our software doesn't manage the MySQL server and so can't cause or fix this issue if it appears.
If your site has been in operation this could be a big problem. Treat this as a serious problem that you need to fix as soon as you can. The "state" of your software is kept within the database. The database contains all information about your users, their listings and all configurations for operation of your software on your site. These are the following possibilities to check when you see this message: