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Auction and Classified Software Support Home

We have subdivided this manual into several main sections to assist you in navigating and finding the information that you are looking for quickly about your auction and/or classified software. We recommend that you first read the How our Auction and Classified Software Works section to gain an overall understanding of the software’s functionality and setup. Then, while setting up your site, refer to the Administration Menu section for more detailed explanations on how each feature and setting can be utilized.

This manual has been constructed in a way so that it supports our core software and all its addons. Therefore, some features covered in this manual may not be included in your particular configuration and therefore will not be displayed in your admin panel.

The Reason For A WIKI Format Of Our Manual

We have moved to the WIKI format for our support documentation and away from the PDF file we used to create and issue for several reasons.

  • The first and best reason is to provide direct access for all the developers and support staff working on the software. At any time and from any Internet connection our developers and support staff can update, edit and/or add to the Geodesic Software Support Manual. Allowing such freedom and flexibility to the maintenance and improvement of the support manual has seen the amount of content in the manual increase significantly in size. The amount of help is in the manual has increased many fold over the PDF version of the manual. The amount of effort needed to make improvements to the manual has been reduced almost nothing.
  • The relevance of the support WIKI to the current version release, to any problem currently faced by clients or to any solution clients may need has improved. With less time spent on a "support manual updating process" you see content added to the support manual quicker. You actually see new, improved and edited content instantaneously after the change is made.
  • There is no worrying by clients that the support content you are seeing is out of date. With a PDF support manual once you download and view it that document could be out of date. With the WIKI the content you are seeing is the latest content we have on our software no matter when you view it or where you are viewing it from.
  • The WIKI format frees up the staff to better support the software and clients. There is simply more time for the support staff to get to issues, improve the software and help clients. We can't tell you how many times that new changes were needed in the PDF manual while we were building the PDF. This invariably necessitated more wasted time on the support manual to add and edit then rebuild again.
  • We continually get questions about the software through support and are able to immediately answer clients questions through the support WIKI affecting all users of the manual. Some of the questions we get notifies us of a deficiency within our instruction or explanation of a feature within the support WIKI. We immediately improve the affected documentation and answer the client using that documentation. By answering one clients question we are answering the same for all clients.

While we do know that some clients like to have a manual they can hold in their hands and read like through the PDF format we felt the reasons above were more than ample enough to move to the WIKI format. For those who like the PDF format we hope you understand our decision to move to a WIKI only format in our efforts to improve the software. We do continually look for a "printable" solution but have yet to find a good enough one. We use the Dokuwiki Wiki software so if you see an addon/plugin that would provide a "PDF option" to export the entire WIKI please let us know.

Note that there is an option to export the current page to PDF format at the bottom of each page. However it will only export one page of the WIKI at a time, we have yet to find a good solution1) that allows exporting multiple pages to a single PDF file, much less, giving ability to export entire manual to PDF.

We did evaluate a plugin known as BookCreator that is able to work with the PDF exporter to export multiple pages at a time. Unfortunately at this time the plugin has a few problems that prevent it from working as needed. For instance, links from one page in the WIKI to another do not convert, in the PDF it will still link to the web instead of the appropriate page in the PDF.
start.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/12 13:56 by jonyo