Your clients need ways to navigate the categories that you setup with the software. We felt that different page may need different ways to navigate the site and so created many category navigation to give you flexibility around your site. For instance, you can display your categories in a single column format in one location and/or multiple columns on another page of your site. Additionally, each category module contains its own switches and settings for the displaying the font types, colors, category counts, 'new' icons, etc.
Note that different editions of our software have different category navigation modules available. Please make sure that the edition you purchase has the category navigation modules you will need. You can always upgrade if needed later though.
This module allows you to display a listing of the current subcategories the client is currently browsing. If your client is not currently browsing a category this module will display your site main categories by default. If the client is browsing categories this module will display the currently browsed category's subcategories.
This module allows you to display a listing of your site's "Main" categories no matter where it is displayed. You can specify the number of columns to display, a category icon, 'new listing' icon, listing count, etc. You also have the ability to turn 'on' the use and display each Main Category's subcategories. This module will display the same same set of "Main" categories regardless of which page on your site the visitor is browsing. Subcategory navigation can be displayed using the previously mentioned filter above or by providing a Category Tree Display Module.
<tip c n>If you do not display category counts within this module….Since this modules content may never change once configured the way you wish you may wish to "hard code" the html this module produces directly into your page templates or html modules where ever they need to be displayed. All you simply need do is copy the html produced by the module and paste directly into the html design where you wish it go. Please note that if you do this any changes to categories within the category admin tool or changes within this modules admin tool will have no effect on this html. You would then need to edit the html directly to "apply" changes in the admin to that html.</tip>
This module allows you to display a specific category structure regardless of where the visitor is browsing on your site. For instance, you may have a standard site category structure on your category pages, but also want to bring special attention to one of your other categories. For example, you could display the "Automobiles" category structure (above) somewhere on the same page as your Real Estate category. Within this admin tool you choose the category from which you wish this module to display the immediate subcategories of. Only the immediate subcategories of the category chosen will be displayed not the subcategories of those subcategories. Only one level of subcategories are displayed.
<tip c n>If you do not display category counts within this module….Since this modules content may never change once configured the way you wish you may wish to "hard code" the html this module produces directly into your page templates or html modules where ever they need to be displayed. All you simply need do is copy the html produced by the module and paste directly into the html design where you wish it go. Please note that if you do this any changes to categories within the category admin tool or changes within this modules admin tool will have no effect on this html. You would then need to edit the html directly to "apply" changes in the admin to that html.</tip>
This category navigation module displays an html dropdown of the categories setup within the software. If this has been placed within a page the html dropdown will display the categories of the site starting with the main level categories. If the browsing client clicks on any of the categories displayed within the dropdown they will automatically be redirected to that category for browsing.
By default this module will display only the main level categories. There are configurations within this admin tool to have the module display subcategories also. If this is done the subcategories of a category will be displayed slightly indented within the category dropdown under their parent category. If you do choose to display the subcategories you can choose how many levels of categories below the main category you wish to display using the "number of subcategories to display" admin tool.
<tip c n>Please note with the Category Dropdown module that since more than one level of categories can be displayed that using this module can slow the software a bit if your site has thousands of categories within it. When you choose to display more than one level of categories to check that the speed of the page using this module isn't slowed significantly. The more levels of categories displayed the more "content" your clients need to download to display the page. When thousands of categories are displayed this can significantly slow the software. So use this module is such a way that your clients can still navigate your site quickly.</tip>
<tip c n>Since this modules content may never change once configured the way you wish you may wish to "hard code" the html this module produces directly into your page templates or html modules where ever they need to be displayed. All you simply need do is copy the html produced by the module and paste directly into the html design where you wish it go. Please note that if you do this any changes to categories within the category admin tool or changes within this modules admin tool will have no effect on this html. You would then need to edit the html directly to "apply" changes in the admin to that html.</tip>
(EXCEPT the Category Dropdown Modules)
You can choose to display subcategories below the constituent parent categories if you wish. The software also give you a way to choose the "separator" the software uses in between those subcategories. You can setup the content that will appear before and after the subcategory list. You can also setup the content that will be displayed before and after each subcategory in the list. This content can be simply abbreviation or html to format those subcategories. This allows great flexibility as to how that subcategory list can appear.
Most of the category navigation modules have exactly the same controls. Some of the modules give you the ability to choose from a dropdown the category that the navigation will always be pulled from.
Each module control page allows an admin note at the top of each so the admin can choose a label they wish and will only be displayed in the admin tool.
This is the module tag name that is used to place that module in the design where you want it.
This allows you to choose the number of columns this specific module will use to display the category navigation.
Use this to display the categories across columns left to right or up and down. Choosing "Across the Column" and the categories displayed will start in the left column. The next category alphabetically will display in the next column over and so on. Choosing "Down the Column" and the next category alphabetically will be displayed below the previous category down the column until the next column is moved to.
Choosing this option and the current category count will be displayed next to the category name. This only affects the current categories browsed. The category counts WILL NOT be displayed for subcategories if you choose to have them displayed by flipping another admin switch below.
You have a few different ways to display category counts if you have the ClassAuction version. Within this edition of the software you can choose to display the auction count only, classified count only, auction count then the classified count, classified count then the auction count and finally a combined auction and classified listing count.
If you have a category image set for a specific category choosing yes here will tell this module to display it. The category image will appear to the left of the category name. You have the ability to set the category image within the categories admin tool in the same place you set the category name and category description.
This allows you to choose to display the category description connected to the category immediately below. This allows quite a bit of design flexibility if you wish. You can set the category description on the same page you edit/set the category name within the categories admin tool. Since the category description only displays in the category navigation where you have it set it to display anything can be done within the description. You have the ability to insert html within the category desciption to make anything you wish to display html wise to display.
Normally when a category navigation reaches no subcategories in the current category the category navigation module displays nothing. By flipping this switch you can display an error message you control within the text admin of this page module when there are no current subcategories.
If you have a "new icon" url set within the following admin setting:
If the above is set and this setting is "yes" the new listing icon will appear in the category navigation this specific module displays. This only affects this module's category navigation. Not any other category navigation displayed by another component of the software.
This allows you to display the subcategories of each category listed beneath that category. Each of the subcategories are listed one after the other in the order you have set for them. Each subcategory is linked to itself within the category browsing feature.
Additionally you have the ability to control the display of these subcategories extensively. In the "Before List" and "After List" fields you have the ability to place what you want before and after the subcategory list is displayed. You can place html here is you wish to format the subcategory "block" as a whole if you wish. You might put <div>, <ul>, <ol>, <table><tr><td> or <table> tags in the "before list" space and the software would put exactly what you want within the display of the module before each subcategory list. You would then place the appropriate html closing tag in the "after list" setting to close the html tag started at the top of each subcategory list. You could then even place your own css within that tag to further format or control the display of the subscategories within the subcategory list.
You also can place something before and after each individual subcategory in the list using the "Prefix Setting" and Separator Setting" fields. The prefix setting puts whatever you place in that field before each subcategory name in the subcategory block. The separator setting allows you place whatever you wish after each subcategory name in the list. HTML is allowed in any of these fields also. So you could simply put a comma in the separator field to separate each of the subcategories in the subcategory block. Or you can use any amount of html across all of these fields to list the subcategories in the subcategory block in a column if you wish. Your html knowledge is the limit. You can even use the "prefix setting" and the "separator setting" in conjunction with "before list" and "after list" field settings to highly customize the look and style of the subcategories displayed.