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Installation with Trial Backup

First, thank you so much for your purchase of our software. Some clients wish to keep the changes they have already applied to their software trial on our servers. This will allow them to basically "start where they left off" in the trial. Please be sure to contact any of our sales staff to obtain a backup of your trial installation. The trials will be live for a period of two weeks. We will have access to the database for that trial for another two weeks after the trial expiration date. So please be sure to get in the backup request to our sales staff as soon as you can.

<tip c h>This is a free service</tip>


  1. The step to begin following these instructions is at the "Database Connection Successful" page. If you continue past this point you have gone too far. <
  2. Now that you have reached the appropriate step in the Installation Instructions it is time to install your trial backup <
  3. FTP into your installation directory <
  4. Browse to the /sql folder <
  5. Delete all files in the /sql folder <
  6. Upload the backup file that our sales staff provided into the /sql folder. <
  7. Continue with the standard Installation Instructions.<tip c h>The software will use the backup file to populate the database. The next steps of the installation will likely have our domain populating the fields. This is normal and simply replace with yours.</tip> <
  8. Run the update script by going to (replace with your own installation's location), and go through the entire update process so that the database matches the version you have installed. This is especially important if we have released a newer version than the one you used in your trial. <
tutorials/server/installation_with_trial_backup.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)