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Forward to Subscription Purchase After Registration

Many clients want to ask for a subscription immediately after registering on the site. While the software doesn't require the registrant to purchase a subscription to complete registration you can certainly forward them into that process to make it appear so. Even though you do the forwarding suggested here the new registrant can easily "click out" of the subscription purchase process to other parts of the site. If the client had not purchased a subscription they could not:

  1. Complete a new listing (make it live) when that client is in a subscription based user group/price plan
  2. Or if you require a current subscription to view the listing details page of the site they would not be able to do that without a current subscription.

To make the automatic forward you will need to create a specific template for use on the registration success page to use in one option while the other is a simple text edit. Within that page you have a couple options:

  1. automatically forward immediately into the subscription purchase page
  2. not automatically forward, inform the new registrant of the need for a subscription to do certain things and create a link within that page to link to the subscription purchase

Note that for the above scenario all successful registrants will see the same successful registration page so if you have users that will be in fee based users groups/price plans that you use option 2 and provide the options for them as well. If you forward someone who is in a fee based group to the subscription selection page they will see nothing.

Option 1: Immediate Forwarding

The page template you create for the registration success page can contain just one line of code within it:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=">

The above would work if your Geo software were installed at the root of You can get the full url of your installation from the following admin tool setting:


You then only need to paste this to the end of that:


And you are set. You then only need to go to this admin tool setting to set that template for use on that page:

DESIGN > PAGE ATTACHMENTS > 18 - Registration Success Page 

With this option you only need to edit the "successfully registered" text already displayed on the successful registration page to include the link to purchase a subscription or to any other place you wish to link to. Edit the following text within your admin tool:

PAGES MANAGEMENT > REGISTRATION > Registration Success Page > [EDIT TEXT] > registration success instructions

You would insert an html link within that text that would link to the page forwarded to in option 1 above.

tutorials/design_adv/examples/forwarding_to_subscription_after_registration.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)