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SEO URL Rewrite Addon

Features of this addon:

  • Rewrites many urls in the software away from "" to a url that is more descriptive of the contents like ""
  • This feature only rewrites urls that search engines follow. This does not rewrite urls search result urls, client side account management urls, listing placement urls or any that require a login or urls search can't get to.
  • This feature allows you to manage the structure of each url rewritten on a feature by feature basis.

Where do you manage this feature in the software admin tool?

When you first install this addon you will need to go through the seo configuration wizard. This only runs once at installation and is rerun if you never complete it the first time or uninstall and reinstall the addon. This wizard steps you through the steps to install the addon. You can see all installation steps explained on the SEO Addon Installation page

Things to know when managing the SEO addon feature

  • The storefront urls of the storefront addon can be seo rewritten also. You need to first have this addon installation. Then you can look click the following box in the ADDONS > STOREFRONTS > SETTINGS > Search Engine Friendly URL admin tool to have that start working.
  • Within the update process when you update your addons make sure the update message doesn't say to recreate your htaccess file. Many updates add new urls or change the current url rewrite rules so they may need updating.
startup_tutorial_and_checklist/usability_configuration/seo/seo_rewrite_addon/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)