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Meta Tags Within Tags Page

The tags search page is the page you can reach from within any listing details page. You only need to click on one of the "tag linked" within the listing details page. That will lead to the tag search feature page where the "tag search results" will appear and can be browsed. The software places a smarty variable within that page that shows the current tag searched. This can be used within meta tags placed within the page if you like. The tag available within the page is the following smarty variable tag:


Within the current default template set the tag search page has it's own specific page template for use exclusively on that page. It is the following within the default template set:


So using the tag above you could create the following meta tag code to automatically display the current "tags searched for" within a meta keyword tag:

<meta name="keyword" content="{$tag}">

The software by default puts the "tags searched" within the default title tag but if you have an idea for your own format you would look to remove the default title module placement tag:

<title>{module tag='module_title'}<title>

With something like:

<title>This page is the search results for {$tag}</title>
startup_tutorial_and_checklist/usability_configuration/seo/meta_tags/meta_for_tags_page.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/23 23:19 by geojames