

Security Image for Forms

This feature provided by the security image addon allows you to add a "human verification" image within all form to cut down on "robo script use" within your site. This simply makes sure that a human is logging in or using the registration form. This feature can be added to the following features in the software:

  • User login form
  • Registration form
  • Contact seller form
  • Notify friend form
  • Listing placememt process

Where do you manage the security image feature?

This addon must first be installed and enabled in the following admin tool before it can be used on your site:


And once you have that addon enabled you'll see the following admin tool to manage that feature:


Within that admin tool page you'll see the following:

Within that screenshot you'll see the location of that admin tool page and:

  1. These are the two options for the security/captcha image to display. You can choose the system/software generated image provided by this feature or the recaptcha image that's provided by third party google. If you choose the google recaptcha option you'll choose that and go to their site to setup everything. More on recaptcha use below.
  2. This feature has different capabilities for creating the system generated security image based on the features loaded by default into your server. This is a list of possible options in the software and a note whether the server will support it.
  3. This section provides the possible fonts that will display in the system generated image. Again these are default configurations on the server which you can affect by adding other fonts within the directory shown.
  4. This is an example image generated by the security image feature based on the current configuration within that same admin tool page
  5. This is a list of the forms you can include this feature in. To use the security image in a specific feature you only need to make sure there is a check next to it and save those changes.

Choosing reCAPTCHA from Google

Doing this option pulls a security image from an external source. If you select that you'll see the following within the admin tool:

startup_tutorial_and_checklist/feature_configuration/user_account_login/security_image.txt · Last modified: 2014/10/28 17:42 by geojames