User Tools

Site Tools



10) Session Management

The software gives you the ability to adjust the session length for the admin user and the client side user. This is called session timeout and basically removes sessions from the database after the length of time in seconds you set within these admin tools. By default the software sets session timeout for the admin and client side users to 3600 seconds which is one hour. That means that after one hour of inactivity a session will be removed from the session table in the database. This can or can't be a problem if you believe clients need to get us in the middle of a classified ad or aucton placement process only to return in one hour to be timed out. They would need to re-login to the software and may need to recreate the data they had inserted on the same page. The same goes for the admin user. Personally I set my admin sessions to be much longer as I am interrupted several times in the day never knowing when I can return. I don't mind logging in once a day but can get aggravating logging in several times in the day.

Highlights of this feature:

  • You can control the length of time in seconds for the admin session
  • You can control the session length in seconds for users on the client side
  • You can also add specific user agents that the software will not attempt to set sessions or perform any redirection for

Where do you manage session management in the admin tool?

You manage all the above features site wide within the following admin tool:


Things to be aware of while managing sesseions features

  • If you use any of the "session counters" in the software like the site stats addon that will count users currently in the system or the number of live users module adjusting the length of a client side session can greatly affect those stats. Those features count the number of sessions within the software at the current page load. If you double the amount of time a session can be alive before it is removed from the site you could essentially be doubling the number of sessions in the database at any one time.
  • The software by default has many user agents within it covering many search engines and robots and we add all the time. You can always look within the robot_list.php file to see what's there already. Any you don't see and wish to add you can within the additional robot agents admin tool
startup_tutorial_and_checklist/feature_configuration/session_management/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)