

Currency Site Accepts

Enter the currency designation that "you", the site owner, are using on your site to accept payments from your visitors to place listings, register, or whatever other fee-based features you may be offering to them. In other words, when you set up your "pricing" within the "Pricing Menu" you will be asked to enter a "price" (the cost) for your visitors to place listings on your site. That "price" is in a numerical format, such as "3". So, the Currency Designation field on this page defines what "3" actually mean. i.e. US Dollars, British Pounds, etc. You are telling the software how to treat your "price" entries that you make.

Note that just because you are only entering "one" Currency Designation on this page, doesn't mean that you can't accept other forms of currency. In fact, you can still accept most currencies, as it really just depends upon your Payment Processor (PayPal,, etc.) When you set up your merchant account, you will specify at that time your currency of choice. Then, during their listing process, the visitor will be automatically taken to your Payment Gateway, pay in "their" currency, which will then be automatically converted to "your" currency. This may sound complicated, but it actually all takes place behind the scenes, and there really isn't much for you to do.

<tip c n>Do not confuse the functionality and intent of this page with that of seller currency choices.</tip>

Where do you manage site accepted currency?

Look to manage that within the following admin tool:


You'll see something like this:

Within that admin tool you'll see:

  1. The symbol for the currency you wish to use. This will precede the display of the actual monetary amount.
  2. This is the text symbol for the currency your site accepts and will follow the numerical cost value.
  3. Click this to save your configuration
  4. ASCII examples of the most common currency symbols that normally do not appear on your keyboard. These values will display the correct symbol irrespective of the character set used on your site.

Things to know when managing this feature:

If you are having trouble getting currency symbols to display properly on your site, you have a couple of options:

  • Option 1: Enter a compatible "charset" that is being used within your site's templates AND edit the Character Encoding setting.
  • Option 2 (recommended option): Use "HTML entities" to display the appropriate currency symbol. An Internet search for "HTML entities" will provide you with an abundance of sites that you can use to find the correct HTML entity for your currency symbol.
startup_tutorial_and_checklist/feature_configuration/payments/currency_site_accepts.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/25 22:37 by geojames