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Pre-Valued Dropdowns

Highlights of this feature:

  • Can be used with site wide optional fields
  • Can be used with category specific field
  • Can be used for registration optional fields
  • One dropdown can be used across multiple fields
  • While each dropdown contains the choices for only one language you can assign a different dropdown per language for category specific questions.
  • you would create one dropdown for each question type for each language you have in your site. Or you could put multiple language values in the same dropdown

What is a Pre-Valued Dropdown Box?

This is a type of field that is used by the seller during the listing process. The seller is asked (by you) several questions pertaining to their listing. Each of those questions typically has a blank text box for them to type their answer. However, instead of giving them a blank text box, you can offer them a "pre-valued dropdown" which has several default entries that they can choose from. The more questions you set up with a 'pre-valued dropdown', the less typing they have to do when listing their item.

For example, you will ask them a question about the item they are listing, such as "color", and then provide them with either a blank field to answer the question, or a "pre-valued dropdown box" to answer the question. When clicked the dropdown will display a list of colors you have entered through this menu for the question you defined as 'color'. Shown below is an example of how your dropdown will look:

Pre-Valued Dropdowns keep the seller from having to type out their information. Instead, they can simply select from the available options you give to them. In this example, 'color' is a generic question that can be assigned to several optional site wide fields or category specific questions if you like. For instance, you could set up two 'category specific questions' in an 'automobiles' category and call them 'interior color' and 'exterior color'. When creating each of them you could assign your new 'color' dropdown box as the 'question type' for both.

<tip c n>Pre-valued dropdowns are not language specific but that doesn't mean you can't have different language specific versions of each dropdown. For each dropdown you create that dropdown will only be for one language. You will need to create a dropdown for each specific language for each dropdown "type" you create. If you create a "color" dropdown type and have english and spanish languages configured on your site you will need to create an "english" color dropdown and a separate "spanish" color dropdown. When you are adding the "color" question to the system you will select the "english" color dropdown for the english language question and the "spanish" color dropdown for the spanish side of the same question.</tip>

Where are the Pre-Valued Dropdown Administration Tools in the Software

Look here within the admin tool:


You can add, edit and delete dropdowns and add or delete values in each dropdown there. Once a dropdown is in the software it will appear as a choice in the "question type" next to each site wide optional field and category specific question admin tool.

When first entering this admin tool you'll see a screenshot like that below. That specific screenshot shows the full list of dropdowns available within your site. These can be attached for use within any site wide optional field or category specific field within the system:

You'll see:

  1. Names of the current dropdown choices available within the software
  2. Edit button that would allow you to change the values that appear in that dropdown
  3. Delete button to remove a dropdown from the software
  4. The field where you would insert the name of a new dropdown
  5. The Add Dropdown button adds your new dropdown to the list above

To edit the current dropdown choices within a specific dropdown you would click the edit button next to that dropdown in the dropdown list. You would see a screen like:

  1. To insert a new value you would insert the displayed value in this field
  2. Then use the display value to adjust it's order in the dropdown. If you leave all display order values in the same in the same dropdown the software will default to alphabetical/numerical order of the values in the dropdown.
  3. Once done click the Save to add that value to the dropdown
  4. Once done inserting all the values you want within this dropdown click Show All Dropdown to go to that menu

After you have entered a few values for your dropdown you would see all your choices for that dropdown in that same admin tool page like:

Within our example values you'll notice that we took advantage of the display order value. We used "first choice", "second choice", "third choice", "fourth choice"….etc and wanted to keep that order. Seeing that the dropdown values would naturally fall out of the order we wanted them to appear in if all values had the same display order value we were forced to use different values in the display order for each to make sure they stay in the order we want them to be. If all display order values were the same they would display alphabetically/numerically. We also chose display value values that would allow us to return and add other values between our starting dropdown choices. So later we could add "first and half choice" and give it a display value of 15 and it would display in the dropdown between the "first choice" and "second choice" values.

Attaching a Pre-valued Dropdown To a Category Specific Question

Click into the CATEGORIES menu. Next, click the Manage button of the category associated with the category specific question you want to add this dropdown box to. Be sure to click on the manage button the far right of the screen, and a pop up will appear with the 'questions' column click questions to enter drop downs required.

Click the add new question link to add a new category specific question and begin entering your information. Look to the following screenshot for details:

The 'question type' field should now display all of the dropdowns you have created through the "Pre-Valued Dropdowns" menu. All the pre-valued dropdowns in that list have "Pre-Valued Dropdown:" in front of them.

You will also be able to assign a dropdown to an existing category specific question by editing that questions details and choosing from the type dropdown and saving.

Attaching the Pre-valued Dropdown To a Site Wide Optional Field

Click into the following admin tool:


Scroll down to the "Optional Site Wide Fields" section and choose use for one of the fields. As you move your way to the right across the screen making your choices, the "type" column will display a dropdown for you to select. This dropdown will display all of the "Pre-Valued Dropdowns" you have entered into the system. See the following screenshot to illustrate:

Things to know when managing the pre-valued dropdown feature

  • You would create a dropdown for each language you have on your site.
  • When creating a category specific question you will have an option to set text and choose a dropdown for each language on your site. Set the text and then choose pre-valued dropdown you created for that language within each languages specific section. Because of this we suggest any pre-valued dropdowns you use on a multi-lingual site be used on category specific questions. Basically that means if you have a multi-lingual site you any questions you have that will require a pre-valued dropdown they should be of the category specific question type. Ignore this warning for single language sites.
startup_tutorial_and_checklist/feature_configuration/field_configuration/pre_valued_dropdowns.txt · Last modified: 2016/10/06 16:33 by geojames