

Field Display Within Default Browsing Views

The software has the ability to view category browsing results in different views. The three default views are grid, list and gallery. The software is able to display listings this way because the software chooses a specific system browsing template for each view. By default these are the browsing templates in use within the software:


When the software is first installed the above system templates are used to display results in that specific view. The grid view by default can display any field that can be displayed within the category browsing feature. But the above two list and gallery view templates are limited to the number of fields they can display. We've created these two default list and gallery view templates by default as there are a LOT of fields within the software that can be displayed and if all fields were in those templates those templates would be huge. But if you find that you have turned on a specific field for display within the category feature and that field displays within the grid view but not within the list or gallery views you have two options:

Use All Fields Version of Those Templates

We include by default the following two templates that can display all fields by default:


So to use above templates you only need to assign them for use in the software. Look to the following admin tool settings to make that change:

DESIGN > PAGE ATTACHMENTS > 3_list - Browse Categories List Sub-Template > [EDIT]
DESIGN > PAGE ATTACHMENTS > 3_gallery - Browse Categories Gallery Sub-Template > [EDIT]

And you'll see a screen like in the screenshot below for the list view template specifically:

Within the above screenshot you would select the following template for use within the circled configuration field:


Once selected choose the save button at the bottom to save your selection.

Make the same type of selection for the gallery view

Edit The Default Browse View Templates

Within this option you would edit the following templates directly to add the display of the specific fields currently missing:


Look to the show all fields versions of those templates to get the smarty tags and possible smarty code structure to display that field if it's necessary.

This option will obviously take more html/css/smarty code knowledge to properly edit but will produces a more efficient template in the end.

startup_tutorial_and_checklist/feature_configuration/field_configuration/field_display_client_side/browsing_template_display/field_display_within_browsing_templates.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)