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Auction Final Fees

This feature allows you to charge a fee to the seller after they have a successful auction on your site. This feature will apply to any "auction listing type" in the software.

Highlights of final fees feature:

  • Ability to charge a percentage fee to the seller based on the final bid of a successful auction
  • Ability to charge a flat fee to the seller at the end of a successful auction
  • The final fee is only charged when a auction is successful (ie winning bid more than reserve bid)
  • You can create a final fee bracket to charge different percentages or fees based on the final winning bid of the auction. Basically no listing can be placed/renewed within the site without those fees being paid.
  • If not paid automatically through the gateway the final fees would be within the clients shopping cart and collected the next time they placed/renewed/copied a listing for placement within your site.
  • If within their cart the system can be set to automatically send final fee reminders through email.

Where do you manage final fees in the admin tool?

Setting Fees/Brackets to Charge

You turn on the use of the final fee feature within the COST SPECIFICS admin tool page of each price plans admin tool. You also link to the "final fee bracket" setup within that same admin tool page. Look to the following admin path:

PRICING > PRICE PLANS HOME > [EDIT] (next to auction price plan) > COST SPECIFICS

and then you'll see this in that admin tool page:

Within the above screenshot you see:

  1. the setting to turn on the charging of final fees within that price plan
  2. the current final fee charging schedule
  3. the edit button to allow you to edit the final fee bracketing charging schedule

Then to edit the final fee brackets charging schedule click the edit button in the above screenshot and you'll see the following:

Within that screenshot you'll see:

  1. These are the current brackets that feature will use to charge final fees by. Any bracket within the system and shown here CANNOT BE EDITED. If you find a mistake in your brackets you'll need to start over.
  2. this is the starting or low value for a bracket. If you are starting over with your brackets this value would be 0. If this is the second or higher value in the current bracket you are creating this field will be prefilled with the "previous high bracket value + .01. You should leave this value alone unless you are starting a new set of brackets and in that case would set that to 0.
  3. This is the high value for a bracket you are creating. If this is the last value in your brackets you do not need to insert a value here but you must click "and up".
  4. If you wish to charge a % of the final price to the seller you would insert that % here.
  5. If you wish to charge a fixed fee for auctions finishing within the current bracket you would set that fee amount here.
  6. Once you are done with the current bracket you would click the Save Increment button.

<tip c n>When starting to setup a final fee bracket your first bracket MUST start at 0. Your last bracket value must have "and up" checked. You only have a complete final fee bracket setup when your first bracket starts at 0 and the end of the last bracket is "and up"</tip>

<tip c n>There is no editing of final fee brackets. You can ONLY start a new one to overwrite the old one. To do that you only need to insert a bracket value with 0 in the "winning bid low" configuration. Once a 0 value is inserted there the current bracket system in the software is removed and another bracket system started. </tip>

Sending Final Fees Due Email Notice

You can manage the final fee reminder notices within the following admin tool setting:


Things to know when managing final fees

  • There are limited ways to collect final fees. See the section below on how to collect them.
  • Remember these are not collected on classifieds as there is no transaction to tie the fee to. But many clients use the "buy now only auction" or "inventory item auction" feature to "sell" items at a fixed price.

How Do I Collect Final Fees Due

You can collect these fees in one of two ways:

  1. Roll these final fee charges into the clients next transaction. This allows the final fees due from a seller to collect until they choose to place another transaction through the system. This means that any final fee due the site will be in the sellers cart awaiting the next time they try to place a listing, purchase a subscription, renew a listing, or even edit a listing's details. Anything that goes through the client side cart will contain the final fees due. The current transaction they are trying to place will not go through until they pay the full amount due which includes any final fees due as well as the cost of the current item(s) they are trying to purchase.
  2. Collect those final fees at the end of the successful auction. The use of this method requires the use of either the payment gateway, or the account balance. If you choose to do this method using, a credit card number is collected from the seller at the time of auction placement. At the time the credit card information collected it is verified through by charging $1 "authorization" to their card. But note this amount isn't actually collected as it isn't captured. If the credit is verified that auction is placed into the system as the seller inserted it. When the auction completes successfully (either closed by buy it now bid or the final bid equals or exceeds the reserve price) the final fee is automatically charged to the credit card. For this to be charged automatically you need to check the "auto-charge auction final fees" checkbox within the payment gateway admin tool. Or if using the account balance, the amount is automatically withdrawn from the account balance. If the automatic charge/automatic withdrawal fails for any reason, it defaults to the first method mentioned above, forcing the user to pay the final fee the next time they need to do anything involving the cart.
  3. Use Paypal Adaptive or Chain Payments gateway for the buyer to seller transaction. Collect those final fees when the buyer pays the seller through paypal when using paypal chain payments feature configured in the software. You would need at least a business level account at paypal to use this option. Look to the paypal seller to buyer payment gateway for further configurations. The way this works is that the seller inserts their paypal id within their account in the client side admin tool. When they place an auction that paypal is associated with their auctions to accept funds for any of their auctions that complete successfully. At the conclusion of the auction the winning bidder(s) receive a link to pay the seller through paypal. When the buyer pays the seller through paypal you (your paypal account) automatically receives the final fee out of that transaction.

<tip c w>Note that Paypal has put their Paypal Adaptive or Chain Payments solution to "limited release". This means it may be very hard for new clients to use that solution provided by them. As stated here on their site:

They are in development of newer solutions and will release them when available.</tip>

startup_tutorial_and_checklist/feature_configuration/auction_specific_features/final_fees.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/03 00:50 by geojames