

Making Your Featured Pic Module Scroll/Slide

There are a couple featured pic displays on our default design front page that scroll. They are featured pic modules displayed that way. The featured gallery scrolling within the top of the category browsing pages by default is the featured gallery feature of the Core Display addon. To make any featured pic module slide/scroll like they do in our v7.1 and up demos you'll need to follow the steps below.

1) First is to update to v7.1 or better

2) Next is to surround your current featured pic module placement tags with a div tag like the following example:

<div class="gj_simple_carousel" >
{module tag='module_featured_pic_1'} 

3) Then go to the admin tool for that featured pic module and set the column display count to the max listings you want to display at any one time. Then set the max number to display to a multiple of the columns count set. If you set two columns to display then set the max number of featured listings to display to 4 or 6 or 8…or more.

4) Lastly make sure the Core Display addon is installed and enabled in the ADDONS > MANAGE ADDONS admin tool. You do not need the featured gallery or browse filters features on within that addon. Enabling that addon makes the software include the proper html head elements for this feature to work.

Then when you return to view the featured module refresh the page and you should see the slider appear and start scrolling through the featured listings you have in your site. But note that you need more featured listings than colums to display or the module will not scroll. Also note that to appear in a featured pic module the listing must have featured status AND a pic attached to it.

startup_tutorial_and_checklist/design_configuration/specific_html_elements_pre_v73/scroll_featured_pic_module.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)