

Changing The HTML Title

Within the default design the title you see in the title bar of your browser is controlled by the title module. You can change the site wide default title the title module displays go here in the admin tool:


While browsing categories that module will display that categories title. While browsing a specific listing that listings title will appear in the title. There are configurations to set the title for the "front page" and "all other pages".

You can easily remove this module from use and set your own site wide titles by replacing the title module tag in the head.tpl template with a title of your own.

Options for <title> Tag Management

  1. Use the default title module. If you decide to do this you only need to make sure the {module tag='module_title'} module tag between the <title> and </title> tags of your design.
  2. For category browsing pages you can set the <title> tag with other html head elements within the category specific meta feature explained here
  3. You can manage the title tag along with other meta in none category browsing and listing details pages of the system using the site page meta tag management features explained here
  4. Manage region specific meta and titles when using the geographic navigation as explained in this support wiki page
startup_tutorial_and_checklist/design_configuration/specific_html_elements_pre_v73/html_title_management.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)