

Change Site Off Page

If the site is turned off using this admin tool setting:


And someone visits your site they are redirected to the following html page within your Geo file set:


That file is within the base directory of your Geo installation. The site_off.htm file is in the same directory as the config.php file for the software. If you wish to change the look of the site off page you would need to download and edit the above file. You cannot edit this file through the software's admin tool. That file is solely composed of html/css and you can make any changes you wish to it without affecting the base software.

Things to note about this feature:

  • If you go to your site and are redirected to the site off page and refresh that page to see if the site is "back up" you are only refreshing your view of the site_off.htm page. To see if why you were redirected has been resolved you must "go back" to the index.php file for theo software.
  • You can allow yourself (admin) access to the site while other see the "site off page" by using the allowed ips feature explained further here
  • If your site is having licensing issues clients will be redirected to this page while the issue persists.
startup_tutorial_and_checklist/design_configuration/specific_html_elements/site_off_page.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)