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4) Multiple Admin Users

You can have as many different admin users in your software as you like. You would use the multi-admin addon to manage those users.

Highlights of the Multi-admin Addon

  • Ability to have as many admin users
  • Ability to create as many admin groups as you like
  • Each admin user group can be given different rights within the admin tool
  • Each admin group can have as many or as little admin users attached to it
  • Admin users are chosen from registered users in the system

Where do you manage the multi-admin addon?

You manage admin user groups here in the admin tool:


You first create the admin user group within the above admin tool. Then to set privileges for that admin user group you click on that admin user groups name in the above admin tool. You are then taken to the admin tool form where you set the privileges for that user group. You would see something that looks like:

In the above screenshot you'll see the special permissions section giving rights to specific client side rights.

To add users to that admin group they would need to register that user on the client side like any user. Alternatively you can manually insert users within the admin tool. Once the user is created in the system you would use the following admin tool to find that user and attach them to any admin user group you have created:


Once attached to that user group that admin user can log into the admin tool using that user's credentials and have access to the parts of the admin tool their admin group has.

Things to know when managing multi-admin addon

  • Create an admin user group with the rights you want to give first then you can add an admin user to that admin user group. An admin user without an admin user group has no rights.
  • Only users registered on the client side can become admin users.
  • Admin user groups must be setup first then you can add users to those groups

Other resources on this feature in the support wiki

startup_tutorial_and_checklist/admin_controls/multiple_admin_users/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)