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Addons that Enhance Admin Controls

These addons provide more features directly for the admin user or for the admin tool:

  • Multi-Admin - This addon allows the master admin user to create admins to help in admin tasks or to give trusted users access to certain features of the admin tool
  • Show Debug Messages - This provides more debug messages for times when you need more client side to debug an issue
  • Debugging Logger - This is just like the show debug addon above except it's debug output is written to a log file instead of a browser window. This debugger is great for processes that run "away from the browser" like payment gateway processes.
  • Listing Exporter - this allows for the export of listings from the system to import into another site or other uses.
  • License Activity Log - This notifies the admin of potential licensing issues with your Geo software

Where do you manage these addons?

The above addons are installed, enabled, disabled and uninstalled within the following admin tool:


You can then go to each addons admin tool within the ADDONS admin whenever you need to manage each feature individually.

Things to know when managing these features

  • any addon must be installed and enabled within the above admin tool to have an effect within the software.
startup_tutorial_and_checklist/admin_controls/admin_control_addons/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)