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Helpdesk & Support FAQ

This page is currently a work in progress, so please bear with us! If you have any questions about the helpdesk or support, feel free to contact us.

What is covered by Premium and/or Standard Geodesic Support?

Premium Support refers to the support helpdesk and e-mails in the client area, as well as support through live chat on our website during our normal business hours.

Standard Lifetime Support refers to the support helpdesk (e-mail support only, no live chat).

Below is a list of what is covered by either support service:

  • Generally speaking, our Support Team will answer any questions you have regarding the feature set of the classified and auction software.
  • The support team will not make any changes for you - They are here to help you understand how to administer your own software, not to administer your software for you.
  • Support does not cover anything relating to 3rd party addons. You will need to contact the author of the 3rd party addon for any support.
  • Support does not cover PHP customizations, custom addons, or anything of that nature. In addition, if you do have any PHP customizations, you will need to notify the support team whenever you start a support ticket.
    • Although not technically covered by the support contract, we can sometimes answer development related questions and point you in the right direction.
    • Such help with development related questions will be answered by the development team, but only as time allows.
    • Expect development related tickets to take longer than normal tickets, since we put priority on tickets that are covered by support contract.
    • We will not troubleshoot a custom development problem for you, but if you ask nicely ;-) we may be able to give a few pointers on "what to look for".
    • Remember, development questions are not covered by the support contract, so will only be answered as time allows, and some we may not be able to answer at all.
  • Support does not cover issues relating to design changes1). We can try to point you in the right direction if something does not look how you want. If something is not working using a custom design, but does work using the default template set, it is not be covered by the normal paid support contract.

Responding to Tickets Pointers

Support Hours

Note that we are here Monday through Friday 9am-5pm Central Standard Time in the United States excepting some major holidays that we will notify you of. Don't expect tickets to be answered outside this time window.

We are not here to answer support tickets over the weekend. And yet support requests still come in over the weekend. This leaves Mondays very busy for the support staff and responses many not be so timely Mondays until the support staff has worked through the backlog of tickets that have been received over the weekend. So leave a little extra time before you expect our response on Mondays but know that we are working through the backlog as fast as we can.

There is a backlog of tickets every morning we are here also as tickets do build up over night also but the delay should not be as pronounced as there possibly is on Monday mornings.

Put an Appropriate Subject In Your Responses

Put the actual subject the support ticket is about in the subject line of your ticket. This helps us find tickets faster if we need to go straight to one. We do comb the support list for emergencies but you have to tell us you have one through the subject. If your site is down or you see a license error tell us so in the subject. We try to get to emergencies faster when possible but you have to be cooperative in only labeling emergencies as emergencies and not all your tickets as emergencies.

And please do not respond to the same ticket for all problems you may have. Open another ticket for each issue and put the subject of the issue/question into the subject line.

Please Do Not Respond to Open Tickets

Please do not respond to open support tickets. That is unless you want to move your ticket to the bottom of the list for response or have fixed the issue since submitting the ticket. When you respond to an open ticket you are resetting the time stamp on that ticket. This affects the time it takes for us to respond because we work tickets in the order that they are received. Responding to an open ticket resets the received time placing it at the bottom of the list to respond.

Also note when you respond to an open ticket you are stacking your latest response to that ticket on top of you earlier response. When we open your ticket to respond or work it we look to your latest response and respond. If you responded with another issue on top of the previous one and don't mention that in your last response we could well miss the previous response. So if you respond to an earlier open ticket and don't want your previous response missed mention that in your later response and we will make sure to catch all open responses. We try to look for older unanswered but do not catch all of them.

Additions to Open Tickets?

If you have something to add to an open ticket and do not want to affect the time we receive it you can open another ticket and reference your other ticket (ticket id is easiest). We do not mind getting multiple tickets on the same issue if there is more to aid us in fixing the issue in secondary tickets. But note that you may get responses to your earlier ticket before we see your latest necessary response. This may cause a bit of confusion as tickets on the same issue/question fly back and forth but should result in you getting a more satisfactory result sooner.

Multiple Issues?

Another helpful hint in getting your issues resolved faster is to not put too many issues in the same ticket that are "divergent" of each other. If a few issues are similar they can easily be mentioned in the same ticket. But if they are divergent issues it may be best to put them in separate tickets. We do not respond to a ticket unless we can take care of all issues within it. So if one issue is holding us up you may not get a needed response about already resolved issues until all issues are resolved.

Especially not issues caused by customized system, module, or addon templates
helpdesk_support/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)