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geoClasses Tips

This section will help you understand how to work with some of the main system classes, such as the geoView or geoTemplate class.

We already have the PHP developer docs you can access in the Example Addon's docs directory. This section is meant to compliment those PHP developer docs, and give a few tips of ways to best utilize the system's classes inside your own custom Addon.

Main Geo System Classes

Below is a list of some of the most used classes in the Geo software. These are classes that are used throughout the Geo code, and that we recommend to utilize in your own custom Addon.

  • geoView class - "holds" most of the Smarty template variables that are be used in system and module templates. Also responsible for doing the main work of displaying the page, working closely with the geoTemplate class.
  • geoTransaction class - Object that represents one transaction where a buyer has made a payment to the seller, or the seller is charging something to the buyer.
  • We will be adding additional classes as time goes, if you would like to see more information on a Geo class described here let us know!
developers/geoclass/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)