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Attaching Additional Price Plans[S]

To take advantage of this feature you must install and enable the Enterprise Pricing addon within the ADDONS > MANAGE ADDONS admin tool. That enables you to add more price plans to the system. Below is a screenshot of what you should see:

With Fee-Based Price Plans, you will have the ability to specify "Additional Price Plans" for users of a specific user group. This means that when a user of this User Group goes through the Place a Classified Ad or Auction Process they will be able to choose from two or more Pricing Schemes (Price Plans) that you attach below using this feature. By default, the word "none" will be displayed if you have not yet assigned Additional Price Plans.

Immediately after entering the place a listing process (whether classified ad, auction or other) the clients belonging to a user group with this feature activated will see the list of those price plans. They choose from those price plans and the rest of that place a listing process will be "charged" according to the specifics of the price plan chosen.

If this feature is not in use your clients will not see the "price plan choice" screen when placing their classified ad or auction and the price plan they place that listing "under" will be the price plan their user group's default price plan.

Implementing "additional" Price Plans is entirely optional. This page has the following table data fields:

Additional Price Plan(s)

You will see dropdown with all available Fee-Based Price Plans that you can assign. Select one from the list. The following screen shot illustrates:

<tip c n>Note: You must "attach" the "Default" Price Plan to your "Additional" list if you want it to be offered to your users when they are choosing a price plan to attach the current listing to. Otherwise, the "Default" plan will not be an option for the user to select from when listing their item. Only "additional price plans" appear as a choice.

Also note that if you only have one price plan attached as an additional price plan there will be no choice as the software will automatically place that user in that singularly attached additional price plan for that listing placement process.</tip>


Give your Price Plan a name. This the name that will be displayed to your users when they are choosing which Pricing Option that they want, so choose your name carefully. Keep in mind that they will not physically see the "Additional Price Plan" name specified in the previous setting. They will only see the name you specify in this setting. Note that html may be added to help with display.


Give your Price Plan a description. This the description that will be displayed to your users when they are choosing which Pricing Option. It will be displayed along with the "Name" you have entered in the previous field. Note that html may be added to help with display.


This option simply removes the selected Price Plan from being offered as a selection to users of this User Group during the Listing Process. This does not remove that price plan from the system. This just removes the attachment between the user group and price plan within this feature.

admin_menu/users_user_groups/user_groups_home/add_price_plan/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)