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Browse Tagged Listings

This page allows you to set the default page template and edit some default text that may appear on the page for navigation. This page will display all listings that share the same listing tag.

A listing tag is basically a keyword that applies to a listing. Each listing can have multiple tags applied to it. How many tags are allowed, can be controlled in the admin on the Listing Setup > Fields to Use page. You can also make it so that the listing tags are displayed when browsing categories. When you click on a listing tag, either from the browsing pages, or from the listing details page, it will show the "browse tagged listing" page which shows all listings that are tagged with that specific tag.

Once your site has a few listings with tags applied, the tag auto-complete comes into play. When a user is placing a listing, as they type in a tag, it will show auto-completions for already existing tags found in the system that match what have been typed before. This allows users to more easily tag their listings.

There is also an auto-complete feature built into the tag search module, which is displayed by default on the browsing tag page.

The listing tags for a listing can be displayed on the listing details page for a listing. You can click on one of the tags, to browse other listings that have the same listing tag applied to them.

The browse by tag uses SEO re-written URL if the SEO addon is installed, enabled, and configured correctly.

If there is a certain tag you want to highlight, you can link to that tag on your home page template. Just browse to the tag you wish to link to, then use the URL to link to it.

admin_menu/pages_management/browsing_listings/browse_tagged_listings/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)