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Browse Sellers

This feature of the software allows you to browse sellers who have placed listings on the site by the category they have placed listings in. You as the admin will need to create the link to this feature manually within your design. There is no module to automatically link to this feature.

Linking To This Feature

If the "lead" file of your Geo installation is "index.php" as it is defaulted to at installation the link to this feature will be:


or a fuller url would look something like this if your installation were at and installed at the root of that domain:

If you wish to link to a specific category of this feature you should insert the category id where the XXX is within the following example urls:



What Will Be Displayed By This Feature

If you link to this feature without specifying a category the browsing client will see a list of the main categories on the site. If any of these links are clicked the client will then see a category list of the subcategories to the main category clicked at the top of the page. At the bottom of that page should a list of sellers that have listings in that category. If another category link is clicked the same is still true. That categories subcategories appear as links at the top of the page and the sellers with listings in that category will appear listed below those category links.

Note that a seller can appear in more than one category of this feature as a single seller could have listings in more than one category.

The only category linking that will work in this feature is the category links produced dynamically by the script and placed at the top of the results placed where the (!MAINBODY!) content is placed. There are no category navigation modules built to link to the browse sellers feature.

What Fields Will Be Displayed in this Feature

The seller information results on these pages will be pulled from the registration information for these sellers.

If you go to this page in the PAGES MANAGEMENT > BROWSING LISTINGS admin tool you will notice field display controls towards the bottom of this page. Within this admin tool page you can control:

  • The number of sellers will be listed per page of seller results
  • How many columns the category links at the top of the page will be displayed
  • If those categories should be displayed alphabetically down or across columns
  • If sellers with listings in subcategories should be displayed in parent category results
  • Whether or not to display the counts of unique sellers within a category next to that category's name/link in the category links
  • Whether or not to display the category description for categories within the category links
  • Whether or not to display the category image attached to each category (if there is one) before that category in the category links
  • Which registration fields you wish to display as a column within the seller browsing results.

The links for each seller in this feature link to the Seller's Other Listings page for that seller which lists all that sellers live listings currently on the site.

admin_menu/pages_management/browsing_listings/browse_sellers/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)