User Tools

Site Tools




This section displays a variety of additional modules that you can insert into your templates to display certain information to your visitors.

Display User Identifier

This module is used to personalize your site to the visitor. When used, the site will detect whether or not the visitor is logged in. If the visitor is not logged in, the word "guest" (or whatever text you set within the text admin tool for this admin tool) will appear wherever this tag is used. After the visitor logs in, "guest" will automatically be replaced with that visitor's username, email address, first name, or last name, depending upon what you have chosen in this module's settings.

Display Login/Register

This is another module that can be used to personalize your site to the visitor. When used, the site will detect whether or not the visitor is logged in. If the visitor is not logged in, the links "Login / Sign Up" (or whatever text you set within the text admin tool for this module) will appear wherever this tag is used. After the visitor logs in, "Login / Sign Up" will automatically be replaced with "My Account / Logout" (or whatever text you choose).

After the user has logged in, you can then personalize their browsing experience by having the term "Guest" replaced with that user’s username, first name, last name, or email address. These are all settings within the Display User Identifier Module administration.

Filter Dropdown Display 1

Deprecated: You should not use this module, it will be removed in future versions. This module is no longer used, in older versions it was used to show "filter dropdown" feature. That is an older feature that has been replaced by the multi-level fields feature.

Filter Dropdown Display 2

Deprecated: You should not use this module, it will be removed in future versions. This module is no longer used, in older versions it was used to show "filter dropdown" feature. That is an older feature that has been replaced by the multi-level fields feature.

Search Module 1

This module is essentially a software generated "QuickSearch Box" that displays a keyword text box, a category dropdown, and an optional fields to search dropdown. The fields to search options are to conduct the search by all fields, title only, or description only. Since it is a module you can insert its tag and display it anywhere on your site through each page’s html template.

This module displays the dropdown for your clients to search a specific category. If you have a great number of categories on your site (possibly in the 1000's) that may affect the amount of time it takes to display those categories within your clients browser. Thousands of categories displayed in your category dropdown means your client has to download all those names to their browser. It also means that your server has to build the dropdown to send to the browser each time it is displayed. Depending on the number of categories you have in your site you may choose to display only a level or two of those categories within this module. You are able to set the number of category levels to display for this module and other category dropdowns used around the site here in the admin tool:

SITE SETUP > GENERAL > "Levels of categories in dropdown"

<tip c n>Note: Active "site filters," such as those created by the Geographic Navigation or ZipSearch addons, have no effect on search results. A search will always return all matched listings, even if a filter is in place.</tip>

Total Live Users

This module displays the total number of user currently using your site. This specific stat can seem confusing at times. The total number of live users is determined by getting the total count of current sessions within the database. A session is created whenever anyone browses your site. Each time a client "hits" your site their session is updated with that time. The software (by default) removes sessions older than one hour or sessions where the client has not been back to the site within the last hour. This is a stat of the number of unique clients who have browsed your site within the last hour. This count will be more than are on the site at this exact moment.

Also note that within certain editions of our software you have the ability to adjust the time that session can last before it is removed from the database. So when you change the "session life" time here within the admin tool:


the number of current live users stat will be affected. The longer the session life the more this stat will be. The shorter the session life the smaller this stat will be.

Also note that at times when search engine bots visit your site can make this stat spike until those "search engine sessions" expire from the database.

Number of Registered Users

The Total Number of Registered Users module displays the total number of registered users on your site. That is a count of the user that are within the database.

Title Module

This module tag allows you to display a dynamic page title in the visitor's browser window. Place this tag inside of the <title> and </title> tags of your html templates. The software recognizes which page of your site the visitor is browsing and will apply a page title to the browser window accordingly. For instance, this module's settings allow you specify a specific browser page title for the "front page" and each "non-listing / non-category browsing page". For individual listings and category browsing pages, the software reads the listing's title or the category's name and displays that information in the browser's page title bar.

<tip c n>NOTE: We recommend that you either use the typical <title> tags within your standard HTML coding, -or- use the {module tag='module_title'} tag associated with this program, but not both.</tip>

This module displays an auto-complete search box to show all listings that are tagged with the same listing tag. This module is used by default on the "browse tag" pages, but can be placed on any page you want. When a user "searches" for a tag, it takes them to the "browse tag" page for the tag they searched for, displaying all listings tagged with that keyword.

The search box uses auto-complete technology, so that as a user is typing into the box, it displays suggestions that match what they have typed so far. For instance, if a user types in "ho" it might suggest "horse" and "honda". The suggestions it uses are from actual listing tags on your site.

admin_menu/page_modules/misc/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)