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Featured Modules offer you the ability to display a table of those listings(classifieds & auctions) that have been marked as having a "featured status". When users place listings(classifieds & auctions) you can offer them the ability to pay an extra fee for their listing to be "featured" on your site. This means that their listing will have more exposure than those listings(classifieds & auctions) that do not have "featured status" associated with them. Our software offers you the ability to offer (and charge separate fees for) up to 5 levels of "featured listing status". Typically, you would set up your fees according to each featured level's exposure on your site. For instance, "level 2" may be on the front page of your site, carrying the most possible exposure and also carrying the highest fee. Level 5, on the other hand may be displayed on one of your categories and therefore the cost is less due to less exposure.

As mentioned earlier, the seller can pay a premium for their listings(classifieds & auctions) to be included in the Featured Listings sections of your site. You will notice that on the main Featured Listing Modules page there are 5 different levels of Featured Listing Modules available for you to use. You can select how many ?Levels? you want to offer on your site by selecting the appropriate yes/no buttons on the LISTING SETUP > LISTINGS EXTRAS page. If you are going to offer Featured Listings on your site (even if only one level), you will most likely want to leave the "Level 1"checked to yes. The standard, or default, Featured Listings table mentioned earlier is linked to "Level 1" settings.

The value in offering multiple levels of Featured Listings on your site is that you can charge higher fees for "higher profile" featured listings(classifieds & auctions). In other words, you can charge sellers different rates for different "levels". Typically, you would set it up so that the higher or lower the "level", the higher or lower the fee. Of course, your pricing will be based upon the level of site exposure. The following sections will explain the similarities and differences of the various Featured Listing levels and choices you have.

Featured Listing Modules are attached directly to Price Plans. Therefore, when planning their location on your site, you should also plan their associated fees within each Price Plan. If using these modules, you can charge sellers different rates for different levels.

  1. The first step in implementing Featured Listing Display Modules is to "turn them on" within the LISTING SETUP > LISTING EXTRAS page of the admin. This is a "site-wide" setting and will allow those fields to display as options within the place a listing process so that sellers can select which Featured Listing Level they want to pay for. On the LISTING EXTRAS page you will see the available featured levels within your edition. They are controlled separately so if you only want to set up only one or two Levels of Featured Listings you can do so. The differences between Featured Listing levels will be discussed later in this section.
  2. The second step is to designate the prices (fees) you want associated for each level. This is done within each Price Plan. Keep in mind that since these modules are turned on/off on a site wide basis, as described in the previous step, you will need to assign a price for each Level in every Price Plan you are using. While you may have a featured level turned on at the site wide level you do not have to allow all price plans use of that level of featured feature. You can control that on a price plan by price plan basis within the price plan admin tool.
  3. The third step is to insert the appropriate module placement tag within the html module or page template where you want those particular featured listings(classifieds & auctions) to display within your page design. Choosing the right module can be a little tricky but you will soon see the value in each. First, decide which level you want to work with. To start out, working with only Level 1 might be the best option until you feel more comfortable with implementing Featured Listings Modules. You will notice that there are several groupings of Feature Listings Modules sharing a similar naming convention. We will explain the differences between the various Featured Listing Modules in the next sections.
admin_menu/page_modules/featured/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)