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Category Tree Modules

Category Trees are typically displayed at the top of most pages. They are used to display the category/subcategory path to the visitor, so that they know exactly where they are on your site at all times. It is essentially a module to help your visitors stay oriented on your site.

Category Tree Navigation 1, & 3

These modules allow you to display a dynamic category tree within the category browsing pages of your site. As a visitor enters each category's subcategories, the tree will expand to include the path to that subcategory. Each category and subcategory in the tree is clickable for quick navigation to each category within the string.

These modules are identical to each other in their output.

These modules will only produce anything if used in two pages of the site: Category Browsing and Listing Details Display pages. Within these two pages they will display the "breadcrumb" category navigation from parent categories to the current category browsed whether viewing a category in the category browsing page or a specific listing within the listing details display page.

admin_menu/page_modules/browsing/category_tree_modules/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)