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Listing Extras

This page enables you to toggle the use of specific Listing Extras on a site-wide basis, and configure certain site-wide aspects of how some of the listing extras work. Once you turn on the ability to use an extra feature on your site you must still go to each specific price plan to turn on the ability of users in that price plan purchase that extra feature. The price charged to have that extra is set within the price plan also.

These features availability depends on the edition of the software you have. Check your edition's features for availability.

Descriptions of the Listing Extras are given below.

This determines number of photo columns that will be displayed on the "Browse Featured Listings by Picture" page only. The pictures will be displayed at the size they would be displayed within the listing display page itself. This page is located under PAGES MANAGEMENT > BROWSING LISTINGS

This setting determines the number of listings(classifieds & auctions) that will be displayed on any single page results returned for the featured pics page. Keep in mind the number of columns you have specified in the previous setting. If this number is not evenly divided into the number of columns, then the last row of the results would not be filled in completely, if there were at least this many or more featured listings(classifieds & auctions) in the result.

Better Placement Extra Settings

The description of this feature has been moved to the better placement listing extra support wiki page here

Miscellaneous Listing Extra Settings


Checking yes will allow users placing listings(classifieds & auctions) to bold the title of their listings(classifieds & auctions) when their listings(classifieds & auctions) are displayed while browsing the site. The price for this added feature will be set by the pricing plan attached to that user through his/her User Group association.

Note that the effects of this feature basically only sets a different "bold" css attribute for the listings(classifieds & auctions) that have the bolding feature attached. If you feel that the bolding impact on your site is not enough you can always adjust the "bold" css to be more distinctive from the "non-bolded" listings(classifieds & auctions).

Attention Getters

Checking yes will allow the users to purchase an attention getter to place in the front of their description within the listing browsing pages. This Software comes with a set of default attention getters, but you have the ability to upload your own through the LISTING SETUP > ATTENTION GETTERS submenu. The price for this added feature will be set by the pricing plan attached to that user through his/her User Group association.

Look to the following two support wiki pages on more in depth management and description of this feature.

Attention Getter status management

Managing the Attention Getter Icons

admin_menu/listing_setup/listing_extras/start.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/04 06:47 (external edit)