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Edit Language [S]

The languages menu allows you to set up and administer as many languages as you would like on your site. Simply click the "add" link and fill

language name

The text in this field is the same text that your customers will see as a choice on the Language Choice Form page of your site. This is the actual text that appears in the "language seletction page" to represent this language in the language choice dropdown

site default language

Only one language in the system can be set to "site default". This is the language that a first time visitor will view your site in. If you offer additional languages and a visitor changes the language through the Language Choice Form to another language a cookie will be placed on their browser so that the next time they visit your site, they will see their last chosen language by default.

active language

You have the ability to create a new language through the admin, but not display the new language as a choice to your visitors within the "language selection page". You may want to set a language an inactive while you are tranlsating it within the admin tool or export. Simply choose "inactive" if you do not want to offer the language as a choice on the Language Choice Form.

admin_menu/languages/languages_home/edit_language/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)