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The Getting Started Checklist is a collection of useful customizations that most people will want to consider when beginning a new website with GeoCore.

If you have already done some work customizing your site (or have just upgraded from an older version of GeoCore), the checklist can automatically detect any progress you have already made – just use the "Click here to auto-detect checklist progress." link near the top of the page, and the checklist will automatically update to reflect your settings.

<tip c n>Tip: there are a couple of checklist items, such as "read the user manual" or "double-check everything" that cannot be detected by the server. Check these off manually if you have done them. :)</tip>

Checklist Sections

For ease of organization, the checklist is split up into five sections:

  • Addons – checks for the presence of common addons used by nearly every site
  • Design – checks to ensure "boilerplate" text in your templates (e.g. "My Site Name Here") has been changed, and other items relating to the site's appearance
  • Pricing – make sure you're fully set up to charge users for services provided by your site (or have turned off pricing, for a free site)
  • Text – a couple more instances of "boilerplate" text, such as your site's Terms of Service / EULA.
  • Final Steps – server-side optimizations to make sure your site runs as speedily as possible

After updating the checked items, be sure to use the Save button at the bottom of the page to lock in your changes.

If you have questions regarding the specifics of any Checklist item, open a Support Ticket and our staff will be more than happy to assist you.

admin_menu/getting_started/checklist/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)