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Notification E-mail Settings

This menu allows you to specify which email notifications will be sent to you and to the users of your site.

Admin Notifications

Notifications sent to admin user.

Register Complete

Choose whether or not you want to receive an email notification every time a user registers on the site.

Registration Verification System

This verification system is used primarily to verify that the email the user entered is a valid email address. If used, an email will be sent by the system to the email address that the user entered. The email will contain a link for the user to click on (or copy/paste into a browser window). Doing so will complete the registration process for that user. There are several settings you can choose from regarding how the software will handle the registration verification process on your site.

Disable Verification System

When a new user registers they are automatically activated and do not have to verify that their e-mail address is legitimate. In other words, you will not be required to approve any user registrations.

Verify E-Mail, with Notify Admin on Attempt OFF

Enable the e-mail verification system, but do NOT send a notification e-mail to the admin when a new user attempts to register.

Verify E-Mail, with Notify ADMIN on Attempt ON

Enable the E-Mail verification system and send the admin a notification e-mail when a new user attempts to register.

Admin Approves All Registrations

The admin must "approve" a registration before the user is active and allowed to log in. If using this setting, you should also select 'yes' for the 'Register Complete' setting above, so that you are notified when a registration is awaiting your approval. You can approve registrations awaiting your approval through the following admin menu:

Registration Setup > Unapproved Registrations

Note that the registration complete page text will be the same, whether you choose for admin to approve all listings, or choose to use the e-mail verification. You may need to make changes to the language text for the registration complete page, to reflect that the registration is "pending review" rather than waiting for them to verify the e-mail.

<tip c n> TIP: You can control which fields may be edited under the following menu:

Registration Setup > General Settings</tip>

Successful Listing

Send a notification e-mail to the admin when a listing goes live. The listing will go live after their PayPal or credit card payment is accepted.

Notify When Manual Payment Chosen

Send a notification email to the admin if the seller chose a manual method of payment for the listing. For example, if you allow them to pay you via check, money order, cash, etc. and they choose one of those methods, the listing will be placed on hold and an email will be sent to you informing you to be expecting a manual payment. Once the payment is received, you can approve the listing through the following menu:


Notify Before Listing or Subscription Expires

When the seller gets notified of a listing or subscription expiration according to the settings in the "Seller Notifications" section, also notify the admin.

This switch is entirely dependent upon the related expiration settings in the Seller Notifications section below. If no email is sent to the seller then no email will be sent to the admin. This is to save confusion about the frequency since the Admin email will be sent at the same time(s) as the user's.</tip>

Notify When Listing is Edited

Send the admin an email when the seller edits their listing.

<tip c n> TIP: You can control which fields may be edited under the following menu:

Listing Setup > Fields To Use</tip>

User Notifications

Notification e-mails sent to users.

Register Complete

Turn this on if you want the software to send a 'Welcome' email to the user when they have completed the registration process.

Order Approved

When an order has been approved by the admin, or when payment has been received and the order is automatically approved by the system, send a notification to the user.

This will be in addition to any notifications that might be sent for listings that have been placed in the order.

This is meant as a way to notify the user that their payment for an order has been verified & received. Because of that, the user will only be notified when the order total is greater than $0.

Note that as part of the e-mail, a brief summary of the order will be included with the e-mail.

New Listing Approved & Live

Send a notification e-mail to the seller when a listing goes live. The listing will go live after their payment is accepted for the order, and if requires admin approval is turned on, after the admin has approved the item.

Edit Listing Approved & Live

Send a notification e-mail to the seller when they edit the listing and that edit has been approved by the admin. Or if requires admin approval is turned off for editing listings, it will be sent as soon as the edit automatically goes live.

Classified Expires Soon

Enter the number of days, hours, or seconds to send a notice before the classified ad is about to expire. If this is set to 0 seconds (or days), no expiration reminder will be sent.

Note that the ability to set number of hours or seconds was added in version 7.2.0, previous versions could only set the number of days.

<tip c w>Warning: We recommend sticking to values above 2 hours because the cron job that sends the notices is only run once per hour. If your site is one that requires smaller time increments, consider creating a custom cron job that runs the send_listing_expiration_emails at a higher frequency, to run in addition to the normal "heartbeat". For example, you might set the value here to give a 30 minute warning, then set up a custom cron job to run the send_listing_expiration_emails cron every 10 minutes1).

Also note that the same cron job is used for all 3 different "listing expiring soon" e-mail notices2). See the cron jobs page for more information about setting up cron jobs.</tip>

Auction Expires Soon

Enter the number of days, hours, or seconds to send a notice before the auction is about to expire. If this is set to 0 seconds (or days), no expiration reminder will be sent.

Note that the ability to set number of hours or seconds was added in version 7.2.0, previous versions could only set the number of days.

<tip c w>Warning: We recommend sticking to values above 2 hours because the cron job that sends the notices is only run once per hour. If your site is one that requires smaller time increments, consider creating a custom cron job that runs the send_listing_expiration_emails at a higher frequency, to run in addition to the normal "heartbeat". For example, you might set the value here to give a 30 minute warning, then set up a custom cron job to run the send_listing_expiration_emails cron every 10 minutes3).

Also note that the same cron job is used for all 3 different "listing expiring soon" e-mail notices4). See the cron jobs page for more information about setting up cron jobs.</tip>

Favorite Expires Soon

This setting added in Version 7.2.0

Enter the number of days, hours, or seconds to send a notice to someone that has a favorite listing before that listing is about to expire. If this is set to 0 seconds, no expiration reminder will be sent.

<tip c w>Warning: We recommend sticking to values above 2 hours because the cron job that sends the notices is only run once per hour. If your site is one that requires smaller time increments, consider creating a custom cron job that runs the send_listing_expiration_emails at a higher frequency, to run in addition to the normal "heartbeat". For example, you might set the value here to give a 30 minute warning, then set up a custom cron job to run the send_listing_expiration_emails cron every 10 minutes5).

Also note that the same cron job is used for all 3 different "listing expiring soon" e-mail notices6). See the cron jobs page for more information about setting up cron jobs.</tip>

Re-send Expiration Warnings

After the first expiration notification email is sent another will be sent at the frequency chosen here. This only affects listing expiration, it does not apply to subscription expiration notices.

Subscription Expires Soon

This setting sends an email to the user when their subscription is about to expire. Set the number of days prior to subscription expiration in the box, enter 0 to disable the warning e-mail.

<tip c w> TIP: You also have the option to let the seller's listings expire when the subscription expires, or allow them to expire on their own. This setting can be found within the 'cost specifics' of a 'Price Plan' that has been set up to be Subscription based.</tip>

Negative account balance reminder

Set the amount of days between each notification that is sent out to all users that currently have a negative account balance. Set to 0 to disable e-mails to users with negative account balance.

Note: This makes use of the cron job named send_negative_account_balance_emails. You can see more info about this cron job in the admin at Cron Jobs.

Manually Send E-Mails Now

Clicking this button will open a new window, where it will send e-mails to every user that currently has a negative account balance (by manually running the cron job that does this task).

Prevent E-Mail Flooding

Contact Seller

This is the number of times a user can contact any seller on the site, per hour. This feature is designed to prevent manual spamming of sellers.

Note that if using the security image addon, it will already prevent communication flooding by bots, this feature is to prevent someone from manually spamming without the use of a bot.

This is per sender (the person sending the messages to the sellers), per hour. In other words, if 100 different people send a message to the same seller, that will not be affected by this.

1) , 3) , 5)
The more "frequent" the cron job is run, the closer to the "warning time" that the notice will be sent.
2) , 4) , 6)
The "Classified Expires Soon", the "Auction Expires Soon", and the "Favorite Expires Soon" are all sent as part of the same cron job send_listing_expiration_emails.
admin_menu/e_mail_setup/notification_e_mail_settings/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)