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Twitter Feed Settings

<tip c n>Note: Due to changes made by Twitter, this addon is currently inoperable. This page details new settings that will go into effect with Twitter Feed v2.0.0, which will be available with GeoCore 7.3.0, and will restore the addon to a working state</tip>

This page details the settings available in the Twitter Feed addon's admin page. Most sites will want to leave these on the defaults for maximum usability.

Embedded Timeline Appearance

Note that most of the following options overwrite choices the user makes when creating a timeline widget. Using these overwrites may confuse users, as their settings will not be apparent.

Maximum Number of Tweets to Show

This is the maximum number of tweets from any given timeline that will be shown. This setting accepts an integer from 1 to 20, or may be left blank. If blank, no limit will be used, and the timeline will automatically update to include new tweets as they are created (if a specific limit is used, the entire listing details page must be refreshed to show new tweets – it will not auto-update).

Dimensions of Widget

The width and height of displayed timelines, in pixels. Leave these settings blank to use the default size.

Widget Theme

Select a light or dark theme for timelines, or leave on user-select to allow sellers to pick for themselves.

You can further specify colors to be used for the links and borders appearing in the timelines. To do so, you must use hexadecimal HTML color codes: FF0000 is valid, but red is not. For more information on HTML color codes, and examples of common color choices, see this page. Note that, in the Twitter Feed addon, the "#" sign is already included for you.

Chrome Options

These options allow you to "remove" certain parts of the timeline design chrome. Using these options may impact usability or readability of the timelines. has information on precisely what each one does.

Default Timeline

Here, you can specify a default timeline to be shown on listings where the seller has not indicated one of his own. In order to do so, you will first need to log into your account on Twitter and create a timeline widget, here:

Once your widget is created, you will be given a block of HTML, which will look something like this:

<a class="twitter-timeline"  href=""  data-widget-id="123456789015987">Tweets by @someone</a>
<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){

The important parts are the "href" and "data-widget-id" parameters (in the above example, and 123456789015987, respectively). Your timeline will have different values, but they will be in the same location. Copy those into the "Default href" and "Default data id" settings, respectively.

When sellers create their own timelines to use with this addon, the process is similar to above, except that they will paste in the entire block of HTML, and the addon will automagically pull out the important bits.

admin_menu/addons/twitter_feed/settings/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)