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Security Image

The Security Image Addon offers added security to the forms submitted through your site. A Security Image will display at the bottom of each form for your visitors to verify each time they submit a form. It will look similar to the image below:

This Addon (sometimes referred to as a turing script, or CAPTCHA) helps to prevent data harvesting, as well as, exploitation of web robots on your site. The purpose of the Addon is to differentiate the access of a "human" from a "computer" when forms are submitted through your site. You have likely seen similar security images such as this on many popular sites on the Internet. Their intent is always the same… to ensure that a 'human' is entering the form and not a 'computer'.

The Security Image will display at the bottom of the following forms on your site:

  1. The Contact Seller form accessible through the Listing Display Page.
  1. The Tell-a-Friend form accessible through the Listing Display Page.
  1. The Registration form.
  1. The Login form.
  1. Custom Login forms that you create yourself if you apply the Security Image tag to the form:

<tip c w>You cannot have more than one security image on one page. When the security image is "called" from a webpage the "values" in the image are saved within that users session information within the database. When they submit their information the "security image" information submitted is compared to what was saved in their session. If the information is verified the information submitted is confirmed to be "human" submitted.

The problem with two "calls" to the security image feature on the same page is that the last call to the security image value is what remains in the database as the "test" value for when the information is actually submitted. So if a client used the first form which contains the first call to the security images data any information submitted by theat form will never match the information saved in their session because the second call to the security image call overwrote it leaving it's own forms information as the only valid form submission data.</tip>

admin_menu/addons/security_image/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)