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Admin Page: Addons > Listing Exporter > Export

This page is where you will be able to export listings(classifieds & auctions), to either XML file or CSV file that is downloaded.

Export Criteria

On this tab, you will be able to select the criteria for what listings(classifieds & auctions) you wish to export. There are so many options to use, they have been broken up into 4 sections: General, Date, Extras, Categories. For all the different export criteria, if you leave the values at their default settings, it will export a max of 500 listings(classifieds & auctions) without any specific criteria, in other words, all listings(classifieds & auctions), including expired listings(classifieds & auctions) that have not been archived yet. Most exports you will usually want to minimally set the status (live or expired) value under General criteria.


The General criteria section allows you to specify the maximum number of listings(classifieds & auctions) to export, the listing type, status (live or expired), print (something not used yet), whether there are images on the listing, and the price range.


The Date criteria section lets you specify a min and max start date, end date, and duration.


The Extras criteria section lets you specify whether you want to export listings(classifieds & auctions) that have (or do not have) any of the listing extras, such as only listings(classifieds & auctions) with the bolding extra or listings(classifieds & auctions) without featured level 1.


The Categories criteria section lets you choose which categories to export listings(classifieds & auctions) from. You can even export from multiple categories at once. If you do not select any categories, it will export listings(classifieds & auctions) from all categories.

Data Exported

The Data Exported tab is where you specify what type of file you want to export (XML or CSV). You can also specify exactly what data from each listing it exports, for instance you could specify to only export the listing title if you wished.

Main Fields

This section is where you select which of the "main fields" you wish to export for each listing.

Additional Fields

In this section you can choose to also export image URL's and extra questions if you wish.

<tip c n>Note: Currently, to be able to export the listing URL's (under Additional Fields section), you must also choose to export the Image Count from the Main Fields section. If you do not, it will not include the image URLs for any of the listings(classifieds & auctions) even if you have selected to do so.</tip>

Field Formatting

You can specify how to format the "raw data" from certain fields (like the category ID or the date/time fields) into "human readable" format. The default selections will make those fields show just as they are in the database.

For Date/Time fields, you can choose to display those as the raw timestamp (how it is stored in the database), or can choose a "date format" to use instead, or even provide your own custom format.

For Category ID fields, you can choose to either leave them as the numeric category ID, or to display as category name and the ID, or can even choose to display just the category name by itself.

Export Now

Near the top of the page will be a big Export Now button. When you click the button, it will export the listings(classifieds & auctions) according to the criteria you have provided, and let you download it in the file format you selected.

admin_menu/addons/listing_exporter/export/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)