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Browsing Filter Settings

Here, you can configure the fields that will appear in the Browsing Filters.

Note that you can reach a category-specific version of this page via the [Browsing Filters] button found in the Categories > Category Setup > Edit section of the admin.

General Settings

Show Browsing Filters Automatically when Browsing

Defaults to On. If On, Browsing Filters will be shown automatically on appropriate browsing pages (as part of the "browsing_before_listings_column" core event). With this Off, you can use the addon tag {addon author='geo_addons' addon='core_display' tag='display_browsing_filters'} to put filters directly into a template.

Use Values

This changes where the values are retrieved from, for pre-valued dropdown questions or site-wide optional fields. Note that this setting does not affect "blank text box" fields, since there are no "pre valued values" possible. If you do not wish to show values from fields that use blank text-box, simply do not enable said fields. See below for explanation of the options:

From Listings: Values shown as options in the Browsing Filter display will be pulled from live ads. This allows values that you may have previously removed, and/or values entered in the "other" field, to be displayed as options as well.

From Pre-valued Dropdown Values: Gets the values from the list of pre-valued dropdown values set in the admin, with the options that do not have any listings removed. In other words, if there is a "red" option for that field, but no listings were found with that option set to red, the red option is not displayed on the filter. This setting is recommended for sites with a lot of listings, as using the alternate setting could result in possibly hundreds of "other" unique values depending on the site.

<tip c n>Note that regardless of what the setting it set to, the browsing filters will only show possible values that have at least one listing. The main difference between the options, is that "From Listings" will show unique hand-entered values on listings that sellers may have entered in the "other" field if that was an option at the time that listing was placed.</tip>

Expandable Filter Threshold

If a given filter has more value choices than this threshold, they will begin hidden, with a "show more" button added to reveal all options.

Field Selections

The remaining sections of this admin page are all similar, each serving a different type of field within the software (General, Multi-Level, Optional, and Category-Specific). Only fields that are "enabled" via the appropriate Fields to Use page will be shown

Field Name

The name (and admin label, if applicable) of the field in question


Check this box to enable filtering by a given field

Depends On

This is a way to allow one filter to only appear once a "parent" filter has been selected. For instance, for a Automobiles category, the "Model" filter might depend on the "Make" filter. During browsing, users would be presented with a list of car makes, with models only being shown after a particular make has been selected.

{language} Name

You can set a name for each filter, per language on your site.

admin_menu/addons/core_display/browsing_filter_settings/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)