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Bulk Upload

Go to this page to begin using the Bulk Uploader. For more details on the exact process, see the link below

Allowing Clients Access to the Bulk Uploader Addon

There is no specific client side access to the bulk uploader admin tool but you can still allow select clients access to this feature within the admin tool. You would use the Multi-Admin addon to do so. Within that addon you create a admin user group that only had access to the bulk uploader admin tool or individual pages within that admin tool. You can then add users to that admin user group that you want to allow access to that feature. You would then need to individually add the user you want to allow access to that tool to that admin user group. More on the Multi-admin tool here

admin_menu/addons/bulk_uploader/bulk_upload/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)