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Installation of Addons

  1. Go to the ADDONS > MANAGE ADDONS admin tool
  2. Scroll down to the uninstalled section of addons
  3. Click the install button next to the addon you wish to install. This runs the installation script for that addon. This usually includes installation of tables within the database. Once install script has run the page will refresh.
  4. Check for any settings or configuration that need to be made before the addon goes live.
  5. Now the addon is installed but not enabled on the site. You now need to find your addon within the middle section of the same admin tool page and click the enable button to put the addon in live use.

Installation for Versions Prior to V7

These are the general installation instructions that work for most Geo Auction and Classified Software Addons created/maintained by Geodesic Solutions. Also be sure to read any instructions specific to the addon you are installing, if such instructions exist.

  1. Log in to your Client Area on the website.
  2. Click on My Downloads, and browse to the download for your addon.
  3. Download & un-zip (extract) the Addon package to a location on your PC's hard drive. The unzipped folder should contain additional folder(s) and file(s).
  4. Using an FTP client, upload the addon's main folder to the addons/ directory on your site, located at the root of your software install. For example, when you FTP into your site on the server, browse to the location on your server where the rest of the Geodesic software is located and find the addons/ directory.
  5. Log in to the admin panel for your software, and go to Addons > Manage Addons.
  6. Look in the list Not Installed Addons for the addon you just uploaded. If you do not see the addon in the list, ensure that you have uploaded the files to the proper location.
  7. Click on Install next to the addon. If it installs correctly, the addon will move to the Disabled Addons list. At this point if there are problems in the installation script for the addon the addon script/system should display them here. A couple of the common problems encountered are:
    • The addon installation script much of the time needs to create template set files within your template set. If the file permissions are not set within the file system for the software to copy these template files you should see an error that mentions something like "Error creating directory" or "Error writing files". You can fix any "template copying" issues by making sure the rights on the /geo_templates directory are "777" using your ftp tool to make that permission change. The addon copies it template files into the /geo_templates/default/ directory. If you feel you need to make changes to these templates for design or functionality changes, follow the instructions in Customizing Addon Templates.
    • On some server configurations you can properly set the above mentioned directory permissions but still receive an error1). If this happens, make sure your server PHP is NOT running in "safe mode". PHP's safe mode can restrict the software from doing the above type of operation. In this case you will need to configure your PHP installation to not run in safe mode (possibly within your php.ini file if you have access to it). In many instances you may need to have your host change this configuration if you do not have access to the php.ini initialization file to make this change.
  8. Click on Enable next to the addon. The addon should now be installed & enabled.
  9. Be sure to follow any additional instructions specific to the addon.

Update an Existing Addon

Updating a previously-installed addon is very similar:

  1. Begin by following Steps 1-5 above.
  2. Once on the Manage Addons page, you will see a link next to the updated addon that says something like "Upgrade to z.y.x" where z.y.x is the version number to which you're updating. Click that link.
  3. An information message will be shown if there are any additional instructions to follow for this particular update.
Usually the error will be more "generic" and may not mention file permission problems specifically, just that there was a problem when it attempted to copy the files.
addons/install/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)